A Missed Message
Let me first state that I am not one who thinks every child is a winner. I am not one who thinks everyone should get a trophy to feel good about themselves. I have played sports, been in competitions, and served in the military. But..
Everyone talks about Big corporation vs the people. Everyone says there is too much violence. I think most of you missed the simple message.
YOU are the special.
All through the movie they are looking for some heroic butt kicking person to step up and take out Lord Business. In the end, its the ordinary guy, the regular Joe, or in this case Emmet, who is the special.
The message is simple. I'm the special, You are the special. Anyone can be the special. You simply need to find what you're good at it and do it well. The movie mentions master builders. To be honest, I always envied those kids, the ones who could see things in their mind and make them. I wasnt that kid. I needed the directions as do so many.
I know many will say, well they created this message to sell more Lego's to those who arent really the master builder type. Yep, you're right. But so what. Any kid who puts together a lego, even if its just a double decker couch can feel a sense of accomplishment and have fun. Yes, there are probably many messages in this movie, but to me, this stands out as the most important.
"Everything is awesome..when you're living out a dream"