Correct Pronunciation

It is NEVER NEVER "Legos". When discussing Lego there is no situation where you ever have to add an S. Calling it Legos makes you sound like a child who hasn't grown up.

In the same way Nikon is pronounced Nik-on, not Nike-on.


Man even of your correct doesn't change the fact millions of people in the US have referred to lego as "Legos " for generations . It's ingrained in the culture to say it as "Legos " .







Life is pain. Anyone who says differently is selling something.


If you're talking Lego you are talking about the brand, if you are talking about the products themselves they are lego bricks, not Lego.


Some people can't seem to differentiate between the brand name Lego, and individual pieces, i.e. Legos.


Because correctly they are not ''Legos'' because a single piece of Lego is not a Lego. The singular is ''Lego'' and the plural is ''Lego'', much like the plural of ''ninja'' being ''ninja''.

Formerly KingAngantyr


Do you pronounce "Nike" (the shoe company) as one syllable or two? The company intends it to be pronounced as two syllables (nigh-key) but the British seem to have decided to pronounce it as a single syllable.


In America we pronounce things however we want... Which makes it the right way.

We don't say aluminium like those crazy Brits.

Gramm-er Not-see




According to the company itself, the word "LEGO" should always be in all-caps, and should always be treated as an adjective. So no pluralization is even possible. Calling LEGO bricks "lego" just makes you sound like a European child who hasn't grown up. Or one of many people who actually understand the real correct way to do things, but have a lifetime of tradition riding behind whatever word we choose to use instead.

You know what noone tells you about cooking with the Dark Side? The food is really good!


You know there is this thing


you're not referring to pronunciation but grammar.

I'm swedish (i.e not danish) and we might even say legosar (plural) or legosarna (definitive form plural). It's still correct because you understand what it means. motherfkrr.😝

Ja mecka en, ja mecka två, ja mecka tre,
Ja mecka en braja, I light it with fayah


I know it's incredibly trivial, but good grief "Legos" annoys me.

I listen a podcast where one of the hosts often mentions that her son plays with Lego. As well as making it a plural, she pronounces it "lay-goes". It makes my skin crawl. LAY-GOES.

It's Lego, no plural, pronounced "leg-o". LEGO!


I always felt people who said 'Legos' were in fact just using a contraction of the words 'Lego Bricks', so it should really be written as Lego's - problem there is it looks more like you're writing 'Lego is' or 'Lego has' or something similar.

made you look


It should be Lego since it's a brand. Brands never are plural.
Lego bricks should be used if we are talking about the products themselves.


And all tissues aren't Kleenex, all gelatin isn't Jell-O, we still "dial" phone numbers and many tape things on their DVR, but you don't hear pedantic tight a~~es complaining about them.

Life is pain. Anyone who says differently is selling something.


Wow. First world problem.
