President Business = Trump?
I just realized that President Trump and President Business are very similar.
1. They both wear red ties, have retractable hairpieces and the same size hands (jk)
2. They both live at the top of a giant tower.
3. They were both confused by the chaos of the world and consecrate walls to separate different types of people
4. He hates master builders (contractors)
5. They are both business men and presidents
6. All hell broke lose on a tuesday for the lego world and america (november 8)
7. Both President Business' and President Trump's companies are very versatile in their products (both octan and trump have invested in a lot of different kinds of products over the years
8. They both have a black guy as a character foil (Vitruvius)
9. And I think most of all he wants to make america great again, by following the original instructions the creators have made over 300 years ago.