
I enjoyed this a hell of a lot more than i thought i would.
I love Kevin Harts stand up, but the only good movies he's done IMO are Ride Along 1 and the wedding ringer.
I also love the rock as a person, he's genuinely hilarious, just check out some of his interviews or his Instagram. But his movies are very so-so.
Plus all the sh#t i see on here about this movie, i wasnt expecting a fat lot.
Was i wrong. This movie was great ! I rated it a solid 7 man. Dwayne Johnson was brilliant as Bon Stone, truly in his element ! Kevin Hart was great too, a little too screechy at times but i still enjoyed him. The action was pretty bad ass, the direction was solid, the soundtrack was great, i mean Jesus, ticks all my boxes for a PG13 action comedy buddy movie. Id even like a sequel please.


I don't know why people hated this movie so much, I honestly don't know what they were expecting. We laughed from beginning to end...Hart & Johnson have amazing chemistry and hope they do another "buddy" movie again together.


Agreed! I had very very low expectations but was really gladly suprised: one of the best comedies of the year and by far! Who knew?!

Both Kevin Hart and the Rock had so far not impressed me by their acting skills or quality of film they were in. Sure Hart has some solid stand up shows but his screechy spastic little man gimmick can get a bit much at times, it's like: ok we get it, can you do anything else? Well he just answered that question in this movie!

Seeing that the rating is under 6 point sthing I was just ready to watch the first 15 minutes and call it quits but I really enjoyed it! It was nice to see the Rock play something other than the alpha dog, and he played it well, Kevin Hart was actually a grown up in this movie and not a spastic caricature of his stand up self, he was the every-man thrown into an incredible situation. The jokes were well timed , the action had a great tempo and the movie had a heart + for those of us born in the 70s all the cheesy references can only make you smile. So yeah, great action-comedy with a heart. Gave it a solid 8. Really goood movie in its genre.
