Racial stereotypical movie
A formulaic racial stereotypical movie here! The fast-talking, dark-skinned black man with the light skin toned wife, who is intelligent. Had the wife been a dark skinned black woman, she would have been, head shaking, loud, lascivious and uncouth.
Don't take my word, go back and watch any movie or television show in which the black woman is dark-skinned, she will be a fool!
Of course, some of you can pick an exception, and granted, there may be a few. But the overall formula is light skinned smart, dark skinned dumb, and with no class, sex hungry, etc.
And the dark-skinned scared for no reason a black man that Hart portrays here is from the old days of Charlie Chan, Three Stooges Shorts(This house is sho gone crazy!) The difference here is, they can use a little profanity. How many times did Hart make the comment "I'm black" in this movie?
It is just sad that Hollywood and our Global Esoteric Elite still prefer to keep the racial stereotypes alive. Italians are all gangsters, the Irish are drunks, Mexicans are thieves, Polish are dumb, and Jews are money hungry!
And, it is not playing the race card for me to mention a racial component to a movie or show. This type of entertainment widens the gap between all of us.
If you like the movie fine, but keep on living and you'll soon come to understand why this type of brainwashing is bad for our collective humanity. Movies like The Help, The Butler, Django, 12 Years a Slave, and Tarzan, are all a part of the program to bring out ill feelings between blacks and white in this country and the world over.
These movies, along with the recent white cop killing black men, and black man ambushing and killing white cops, are all a part of a greater scheme. Don't fall for this folks!