MovieChat Forums > The Change-Up (2011) Discussion > I am exactly 1 minute in and I already w...

I am exactly 1 minute in and I already want to turn it off.

A baby projectile sh*tting in a guy's mouth? After (via horrible CGI) violently slamming his own head into the bars of a crib repeatedly at the speed of something one would see in a cartoon? Am I the only person who finds this totally unfunny?

"Rock 'n roll martian!"


I thought the same thing at the same point, but kept going. It doesn't get any better. Terribly directed flick. It had a glimmer of potential on paper but was driven into the ground in execution.


^Same here except I didn't bother finishing the movie and my girlfriend was mad at me for renting it. We can enjoy raunchy comedies (hangover, knocked up, forgetting sarah marshall, 40 year old virgin, superbad, etc.) but this movie was just terrible and annoying and stupid and gross without a lick of funny. To be honest, I was mad at myself too. Should've did my homework before taking this crapfest home.

If you can't say something nice, then you might have a lisp.




Thank the stars someone else felt the same as I did. I also turned this off as soon as I saw the baby sh&t scene and was COMPLETELY grossed out by it.

I also thought the baby bashing his head was ridiculous and somehow was a bit like some kind of child abuse because he didn't exactly rush to stop the baby, I guess so they could give the bit enough time to be seen. I thought "oh, I guess it's gonna be a wacky, cartoon comedy" but nope. Cue baby diarrhea in the mouth.
I almost barfed and changed channels immediately.

Why is EVERYTHING up for grabs now-a-days in terms of comedy. I was shocked that Jason Bateman would agree to make this movie. I thought he had more taste.
I guess they paid him well enough for him to turn off his "good taste radar".

I also hate how other people are annoyed when you say this movie sucked and it was horrible and disgusting. Some on this board sound like they liken this movie to some kind of Oscar worthy film masterpiece.
Don't get me wrong, I love a good black humour or similar movies but this, as much as I saw, was horrid.

You're not alone in this thought and don't ever apologize for it!


I agree but kept watching awhile anyway after the opening scene. I'm not a prude by any means, but this movie is stupid and gross and not funny. I gotta figure these movies push the envelope on vulgar and disgusting because truly the actors aren't funny and the writers can't write good comedic material. I'm not saying they are bad actors overall just not good comic actors. Comparing Ryan Reynolds and Bateman to comic stars like Steve Martin, Belushi, Candy, Chris Farley and so on, well there is no comparison. So take away any good material from already unfunny actors, and what they go for? Gross and Vulgar. Give me Blazing Saddles any day over this tripe.


Very well said!
I couldn't have said it better!

Seriously, a baby sh!ts a stream of diarrhea into a guys mouth?
That's humour? Maybe Howard Stern or other 14 year olds might like it.

I really like the movie, "Osmosis Jones" starring Chris Rock, Bill Murray and David Hyde Pierce among others. It's a live action/animation and Bill Murray's character is a vulgar, gross disgusting pig. Many of the jokes revolve around this aspect of his character, and is crucial to the plot. Still, there are moments in the movie that I can't watch because they are so gross. If you've seen it or do see it, you'll know what scenes I'm talking about.
The difference here is that it is required for the story. A baby *beep* in your mouth is not. It is a just being vulgar for vulgar's sake. You could have established that it is hard to raise a baby by having the baby pee like a fountain which is milder and does what you need.
The part where the baby smashes it's head against the crib is WAY too violent and it makes you think that the baby is insane or brain damaged. I started to think the movie was going to be about a serial killer growing up or something like that!


"wah wah, I didn't like a joke, so I get all No True Scotsman on the very concept of humor itself"








The kids slamming their head is further in than "one minute". Admit you watched it all. It's funny



olivia cockburn should use her real name.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.


How did you see these things if you were only a minute in? Oh yeah...hyperbole.


That's the best part of the movie! It all goes downhill from there.
