Tim and Erics 'Humpers'

Anyone noticed distinct similarities between Trash Humpers and this:


I wonder if Harmony saw this before he made the film? I mean Trash Humpers has a few more dimensions to it obviously, and it also doesn't feature Cotton Eye Joe in the soundtrack either, but there is a definitely a similar creative pulse between Tim and Eric and Harmony.



"I forgot where I am..."


Tim and Eric majorly suck.


Sorry to drop this bomb on you, but "YOU JUST DON'T GET IT", GIRL.


Pumpers RULE! Humpers DROOL!


God i love T&E.



Well, Tim and Eric ARE trash, if that's what you mean.

Sorry, the Tim and Eric show is about two morons who have seen and are trying to rip off stuff like Sifl and Olly (low production values, humor based solely around nonsequiters, lo-fi blue screen nonsense) and Vermilion Pleasure Nights, but make it majorly unfunny. It's "refined humor" for people who think Family Guy is funny. It kinda just appropriates stuff that's actually good, and makes it, well, actually bad. Even though I'm not a big fan, Korine deserves some respect, since he has been doing this type of stuff for many, many years now, and has a somewhat unique cinematic vision and voice -- while his films don't always work, I am a minor fan just for him making one genuine masterpiec (Julien Donkey Boy), which I think is one awe-inspiring, brilliant piece of art... hell, it has been referenced in Spongebob and is even one of Sylvester Stallone's favorite films! Insane. Tim and Eric haven't contributed anything of any value to the world, and have yet to have a single original idea.

pre·ten·tious: characterized by assumption of dignity or importance.


i also love that some people hate them and think that other care :)


tim and eric don't pretend to be high brow, but there is some deep social commentary going on there. beyond the awesome low fi 90s style, and the creepy david lynch inspired sketches, they are seriously ripping on american culture and how fat and stupid we've become through fast food and television. this is a constant motif of theirs. they also push the boundaries of how uncomfortable they can make their viewers purposely. i think this is partly why they have alienated so many. some of their episodes are definitely stronger than others, so perhaps you haven't given them enough of a chance? either way, they are definitely original like them or not. some of their episodes are truly brilliant, and demand a hell of a lot more from the viewer than sifl and olly.


i agree very much.
tim and eric don't just make refined humor, its a totally different generation and sense of humor that some people don't get


"creepy David Lynch inspired sketches."

Sorry, must have missed those, haha.

pre·ten·tious: characterized by assumption of dignity or importance.


"creepy David Lynch inspired sketches."

Watch "Oh mama". The song practically sounds like old Skinny Puppy.



That's some grip you have there on your anal sphincter, dude...

I have opinions of my own, but I don't always agree with them - GW Bush
