A really bad film

A proper howler this one and everyone involved should hang their head in shame. The script is diabolical, terrible, badly written and the dialogue between characters some of the worst I've heard in living memory. Gemma Arterton is beautiful but wooden. Jessica Barden is shocking and the only saving graces are a slippery Roger Allam, Tasmin Gregg and Bill Camp. A failure at the box office and deservedly so but if you like bad movies...watch it for the horror value.


Agree. Tried watching it tonight, I did get most of the way through but just couldn't bare it any longer.

No point to it whatsoever.


Alice I love you.

Let's get married.


Why couldn't you bare it any longer? Were you embarrassed? Were they others making fun of it? Here's hoping you felt better after covering it up. Cheers.


Bit of a rookie error, first rule of film making, you have to like your lead character, even if they are a psycho etc but Tamara Drewe was just a simpering, annoying slut with no redeeming features. Slept with hlaf the village, still get's the girl at the end. What was the point of killing the dog too? didn't add anything, just left a character heartbroken at the end undeservedly. What a pile of tripe!


Pretty much agree with you. If it's a comedy I hardly got a laugh from it apart from a few smiles at the antics of the naughty schoolgirls.
Didn't find Gemma as beautiful as she needed to be but that's just me.


I'm french, found it very fun, refreshing and heartful. I had a really goo time watching this. Dude, if you want to know what a BAD (means "horror value") comedy looks like, try to watch Due Date.


Tamara Drewe wasn't a great film. I think it's not Gemma Arterton's best and I didn't find it all that funny. But you got to feel bad for Tamara at the end of the movie. That jealous teenage girl Jodi gets her into so much trouble and especially when Beth smacks Tamara really hard on the nose cause it to bleed.
