I have to say that Andy was the only one I actually liked by the end of the film; the rest of the drove me mental - none of them, except Andy, came across as even *remotely* likeable. I think, as someone's already suggested, the cows should've mown them all down and Boss should've got a medal for ensuring they were all killed.
However, on a more serious note - a dog that worries farm animals (whether sheep, horses or cattle) has to be put down. I live in a rural area and the amount of visitors who let their dogs run amok off the lead in the summer is a nightmare; the damage they cause both to other dogs and farm animals is horrible.
I understand, as I originally grew up in London, that it's nice to get out of the smoke for a bit; but dogs need to be kept on a lead, I don't care how 'soppy' they are at home. My dog's as daft as a brush, but I always keep him on a lead anywhere where there's farms and other animals (even dogs) - it's only commonsense really if you want to avoid the possibility of trouble.
As for Tamara - death was too good for her; some long lingering suffering as Andy waltzed off into the sunset with a woman who was a lot nicer than droopy Drewe would've been a much better ending for me. Even Beth; at least she was a lot more tolerable than the awful Tamara - even the name grates.
“I'll kill you and then I'll ground your zombie corpse.”