MovieChat Forums > Tamara Drewe (2010) Discussion > Andy should have ended up with Beth *SPO...

Andy should have ended up with Beth *SPOILERS*

Seriously, does anybody else think that would have been awesome? A middle aged woman ending up with the hot young thing for a change? I actually really thought they were going that way, with all his comments about everything she'd done for him and how she was the only one who'd been there for him when he hit rock bottom. They were about the only two characters I actually liked by the end of the movie so, yeah, I was rooting for them.

But, no. He predictably ends up with Tamara. Of course.

Life is just that thing between naps


No. It would be fake. Who the hell would want to live with that old whining munter?! I certainly would not!

The ending was predictable because it was the most realistic.


He thought of her as a substitute mother. I liked her in the comedy tv series "Black Books" She was in all the episodes.


It's a cute thought, but I couldn't see it happening. However, Tamara certainly didn't deserve Andy, either.
I would have loved for him to simply take a part of the house with him, even if it was just a piece of a fireplace or something, so he always had his childhood home with him...but rather that he'd realize by the end that it was the house and the memories, and not Tamara, that he loved.
She was a self absorbed twit, and she didn't STOP being a self absorbed twit at the end. She just had a broken nose.


I have to say that Andy was the only one I actually liked by the end of the film; the rest of the drove me mental - none of them, except Andy, came across as even *remotely* likeable. I think, as someone's already suggested, the cows should've mown them all down and Boss should've got a medal for ensuring they were all killed.

However, on a more serious note - a dog that worries farm animals (whether sheep, horses or cattle) has to be put down. I live in a rural area and the amount of visitors who let their dogs run amok off the lead in the summer is a nightmare; the damage they cause both to other dogs and farm animals is horrible.

I understand, as I originally grew up in London, that it's nice to get out of the smoke for a bit; but dogs need to be kept on a lead, I don't care how 'soppy' they are at home. My dog's as daft as a brush, but I always keep him on a lead anywhere where there's farms and other animals (even dogs) - it's only commonsense really if you want to avoid the possibility of trouble.

As for Tamara - death was too good for her; some long lingering suffering as Andy waltzed off into the sunset with a woman who was a lot nicer than droopy Drewe would've been a much better ending for me. Even Beth; at least she was a lot more tolerable than the awful Tamara - even the name grates.


“I'll kill you and then I'll ground your zombie corpse.”


Tamara certainly didn't deserve Andy, either. [...] She was a self absorbed twit, and she didn't STOP being a self absorbed twit at the end.

Tamara = Bathsheba Everdene in Thomas Hardy's Far From the Madding Crowd. Every time I read/watch that, I can't see what Gabriel sees in her, either.


Your right, Tamara didn't deserve to be with Andy in the end.
