
Does everyone miss the point with Jodie? Her character serves as a plot devise while at the same time reflects every character flaw along the way! Every character dismisses her (and her friend by proxy) as harmless bored teens with a whistful giggle and a "Oh, remember when ____ was that age and did this, wore this, etc"

Also she is a complete contradiction: her sexual fantasy was bookended by very explicit descriptions while the actual image from her very innocent imagination was of her swooning in his arms in a long sleeved button down t-shirt! Her immature (albeit completely selfish) emails have devastating effects but move the plot along to eventually match up each character with their romantic intended.

I don't really think the "Jailbait Jodie" song was in any way meant to be literal it's a tribute. I think Ben saw in her the complete devotion he couldn't get from anyone else - seriously every woman dumps him and his friends steal them! On top of that his dog takes off every chance he gets (much to his own doggie chagrine I suspect...)


Jodi got Tamara into so much trouble. She was a jealous little girl.


I agree about the tribute song, I was thinking to myself after Ben finds her in the house guilty as sin and petrified "he wouldn't go there with her, she's FIFTEEN!! even he's not that much of a low life" nd he started talking down to her and I realised he wasn't but when I heard the song at the end I thought it was incredibly sweet and touching he took the time to hear what she had to say and wrote that as a tribute to her utter (if slightly disturbing) fan crazed devotion to him. He respected that and respectfully gave her something to remember him by.

Jodie annoyed the heck out of me but I somehow was very happy for her getting to have a conversation with Ben and admit her feelings, as the film progressed I saw just how head over heels she really truly was, she was a wreckless foolish downright dangerous child but at the same time a love sick bored teenager so it's kind of nice that they got to meet in the end and he did that for her :)
