MovieChat Forums > Tamara Drewe (2010) Discussion > Who cares about Tamara Drewe? I don't...

Who cares about Tamara Drewe? I don't...

The biggest single mistake was to centre the movie around a character it was so hard to care about. Tamara wasn't likeable, but she wasn't a real villain either. She wasn't funny, she wasn't sweet, she wasn't particularly cruel - she was simply insignificant.

If you can't elicit some sort of response for your eponymous role, the film is probably going to be a howler no matter how good the rest of the cast is - and I thought they were decent enough.

"The dead do not suffer the living to pass"
"You will suffer me"


I have to agree; I thought the character development was poor. Tamara didn't seem to have a very strong sense of self or purpose, and was just becoming a bit of an ugly person on the inside for all her outward physical improvements. I couldn't really get myself to care much about any of the characters or the plot--this drummer guy literally falls on her, and in practically the next scene he's smitten with her and they're engaged? That was too abrupt a transition to stomach. The scenery in this movie was beautiful, but the story wasn't as interesting as it sounded.


You don't care about anyone in this film apart from Beth and maybe Glenn. For a while Andy seemed likeable, but I can't end up liking a character who ends up with such a completely unlikeable character...


Aside from that,the movie was boring as well.
A reason to that is Tamara Drewe isn't interesting.



Totally agree with everyone on this thread. The film wasn't a commercial success and it's easy to understand why, when you have a whole bunch of characters who are just so unappealing and unfunny.

I really like Gemma Arterton, but the way the title character is drawn is just so symptomatic of the rest of the film. Her actions throughout are so tiresomely lacklustre.

2/10 for the scenery and 1 for Gemma for stepping gamely up to an uneven plate.🐭


I watched the new Far from the Madding Crowd from a couple months back and this movie in a double feature (because I'm weird like that) and I have to say, Tamara is far more... relatable, if not sympathetic, than Bathsheba. Perhaps, that doesn't redeem this movie but at least it is fun and lighthearted whereas the source material is dreary and interminably long.
