MovieChat Forums > Red Riding Hood (2011) Discussion > So in this town, is snow not cold?

So in this town, is snow not cold?

It was snowing throughout pretty much the whole movie, and even when it wasn't snowing there was always snow on the ground. Yet no one seemed to ever be cold? Most of the characters barely wore any clothes.

I guess the director realized that when working with a script this bad, the best thing to do is have Amanda Seyfried show some skin...


WAtching it now, wondering the same thing.


Perhaps it is set in an area that remains a bit on the cool/cold side most of the year, so the people are used to it by now.


Ever been in a very dry cold place? Even if It's -20, it doesn't always feel particularly cold.


Ever been in a very dry cold place? Even if It's -20, it doesn't always feel particularly cold.
"Very dry" places don't get precipitation all winter. What you should be asking is if you've ever been on a sound stage with actors who aren't pretending to be cold.


I'm watching it now and I thought the same thing early on, when Valerie's mother keeps running around with short sleeves. Attention to detail peeps, you'd think directors would figure that one out.


... although you can't help being impressed by the villagers ability to suppress steam coming out of their noses and mouths when they exhale


I must admit that comment made my day


She didn't show enough!

Born when she kissed me, died when she left me, lived whilst she loved me




Not so shocking. It was the same director as Twilight.



How would they make a sequel here goes

Peter and Valerie finally leave the village once he controls being a wolf.
The new place they move to soon starts having wolf attacks, since they have just arrived of course they come under suspicion, and Henry who is now a Werewolf hunter shows up to hunt the wolf. Valerie starts to believe that Peter may not be in control as much as he states he is.


The wolf turns out to be either her grandmother whose body we never see or her grandfather, either way they are much stronger than her father was.


In this film we are constantly reminded that it is a film. If you like that sort of thing you will have enjoyed it, but personally I would prefer a bit more grit, dirt and realism.

In this film everything is stylised and artificial looking. All surfaces. .....Red Riding Hood's mother looked hilariously out of place- what were they thinking?? Dynasty meets fairy tale meets perm meets pancake makeup......


Yeah, there are so many things wrong with this film, I didn't even consider the snow. There were not any black people in remote medieval European villages, but now, there won't be any "where were the black people" threads, so that's a plus.

Let's face it, this movie was so bad it was laughable. It was far beneath great actors like Gary Oldham and Amanda Seyfield.


>> In this film everything is stylised and artificial looking. All surfaces. .....Red Riding Hood's mother looked hilariously out of place- what were they thinking?? >>

It's a fairy tale?

"Love means never having to say you're ugly." - the Abominable Dr. Phibes


I kept wondering if it was snow or white sand. Did not behave like snow at all.
