The Tet OVERLORDS and the planet temperatures????
So the people who built and maintain the TET also built the Hydro Rigs to remove earth's water to use for 'fusion energy', have the ability to create thousands of clones of Jack & Victoria and run hundreds/thousands of drones to protect those rigs......
Yet they only have the ability to talk to the Jack's and the Victoria's from sun up until sunset?!?!? I love this movie, I rated it a 9 based on the visuals and the story, but their inability to keep in touch after dark is just hard to understand....
One other thing that bothers me, Jack is sitting on a mountain eating lunch and talking to Victoria in the beginning of the movie and the whole area shows snow/ice covered peaks, yet somehow in their house above the clouds they have an outdoor pool that we see them swimming in soon after. She's naked and he's in a short sleeved shirt and the pool isn't showing signs of being heated and giving off steam as you would expect with such large temperature changes. I'm keeping my 9 rating but will reconsider after hearing from you fine folks....
"Well, isn't this place a geographical oddity! Two weeks from everywhere!"