Jews and the vaccine !
Did Edward «Eddie» Regan Murphy imply that the Jews ( Big Pharma ) inflicted the covid vaccine on blacks ? So he could enter the casino ?
If so that is out of line.
Did Edward «Eddie» Regan Murphy imply that the Jews ( Big Pharma ) inflicted the covid vaccine on blacks ? So he could enter the casino ?
If so that is out of line.
That was his character dumbass, which by the way was written by Jonah Hill.
shareThat sounds funny, as well as sad/disturbing, because it's arguably based on real-life attitudes. I can, sadly, guarantee that there are some Black people who are (1) very sceptical about Big Pharma and the COVID vaccine (in part thanks to historical abuses of Black people within the medical sector, including the Tuskagee Experiments), and (2) associate Big Pharma and government/corporate power/surveillance with 'Jewish power' and conspiracy theories. The latter is particularly sad, but part of it can be attributable to the fact that Jews are pretty much the definition of a 'model (and assimilationist) minority', whereas Black people are still marginalised within most walks of American life (which once again goes to the fact that whilst anti-Semitism is still a massive issue in the US, and many parts of the world, white Jews, like all white people, still benefit from white privilege, which is partly why I think it's tin-eared when some Jewish people describe themselves as 'POC', or 'not white'; acknowledging white privilege DOESN'T preclude the existence of anti-Semitism or other forms of prejudice that exist *between* white people*).
*And yes, as an aside, I recognise that not all Jewish people are white. Some are biracial, and some are fully Black (i.e. Ethiopians and converts).