I don´t like so much

I love Cronenberg.
I was watched all of his movies from the very begining and I will watch surely the next.
But this movie is not so good.
The problem is not with the actors, the problem is the screeplay: Big ideas.. weak lines...

Hablo mejor español :)


Blame Don DeLillo, apparently it was taken pretty much word-for-word from the book.

This forum is afraid of me. I have seen its true face.


The problem with some novels is the internal character´s life.
In a book the internal life can be known perfectly by the reader.
But in a movie this must be showed by the directors with EXTERNAL singals.
The traslation from a book not always is a good experience.

(I´m sorry this is to much for my poor english... :) )

Hablo mejor español :)


as someone who has never read the book, I was watching people I had no reason to care for, talking uninteresting things.
