Note to self..

Never watch a Cronenberg movie again. He's boring as hell. (P.S. this ain't my first boring Cronenberg movie.)

Note to Cronenberg: Never make/write/produce/whatever a movie again.
Thanks. On behalf of humanity.

I am so happy I didn't pay for this piece of crap.
’’I'M A ‘‘


So what else you seen?


Reminds me of "Crash". I hated "Crash". Worst Cronenberg movie by my reckoning.

It sort of reminds me "Naked Lunch" too in a way, but somehow that one managed to be a lot more compelling.

But at his best, Cronenberg is fantastic: Scanners, Videodrome, The Fly, History of Violence, Eastern Promises.


That's why I was asking; it's one thing not like a film [plus whatever else seen] but it's hollow if no attempt is even considered to see their best work. Certainly like Lynch he can be incredibly hit and miss but the hits are worth it. If I heard someone was going to avoid Kubrick because they didn't like Spartacus, I figure they're missing out on a radically different body of work. Cosmopolis is a turgid mess, so in itself I see the hate. Not least because of Patterson. Vincent Kartheiser could do this role in his sleep, if he actually put some energy into the performance it could have been incredible and probably camouflaged much of its stilted almost comotose narrative.


To be frank, if they don't like "Spartacus" it's pretty much all downhill from there....

"2001: A Space Odyssey"? "A Clockwork Orange"? Yeah, best off giving it a miss. ;)


I"m not sure why he's praised so much. He's great but everybody makes Great AND bad movies.
