Russell Hainline ?@RussellHFilm
Hey, I took part in this David Cronenberg retrospective. Guess which movie I raved about? Hint: Robert Pattinson.
Cosmopolis (2012):
“Imagine paint being splattered onto a canvas. Can the artist predict precisely what his piece will look like? He could control the movement of his arm, the position of the brush in his hand, the colors of paint he wields… but will he see every drop’s placement, every splatter’s shape and formation before it becomes reality? Perhaps he could devise a formula, but think of the variables: air movement, temperature, surface tension, the various speeds and angles of the arm, the brush handle, the hairs holding the paint, the paint as it separates from the brush, and the endless other variables one could imagine if you dove head first into it.
Cosmopolis, appropriately, begins with opening credits laced with such Pollockesque splashes. It’s a film about the variables, our desire to control life with the perfection of a machine without losing the emotion and feeling of humanity. Such a desire is a lost cause. You can no better predict a human life or the economy of a major superpower than you can the patterns of paint hitting the canvas.
Cronenberg’s icy and stylish approach compliments his adaptation of Don DeLillo’s novel, and his ensemble of brilliant actors, led by Robert Pattinson in the role of a lifetime, expertly navigates the novelistic, philosophical dialogue without missing a beat. It’s tense, ambitious, and soulful. I hope Cronenberg, DeLillo, and Pattinson join forces again; in Cosmopolis, every splash of paint, every moment, a mini-masterpiece.”
–Russell Hainline (Movie Mezzanine)