Script line reference to Crash
During the barber shop sequence, Ibrahim talks about driving a cab and hitting a man who goes through his windshield. That's a key moment in the opening of Crash when a man crashes through James Spader's windshield and thrusts Spader into the dark zone. The more I watched Cosmopolis the more it reminded me of Crash. The characters of Pattinson and Spader both share the same obsession with cars. The world of Cosmopolis and Crash both spin in the same nihilistic orbit, a return to the bizarro Cronenberg universe (and J.B. Ballard's universe) after the more conventional Eastern Promises, A History of Violence and A Dangerous Method. I've always caught Cronenberg's films fairly quickly. This is the first time it's taken me two years to see one of his films. I'm sorry it tanked so bad at the box office. Has anyone read DeLillo's novel?