1. The Master (Paul Thomas Anderson, USA) (review) 2. Tabu (Miguel Gomes, Portugal/Germany/France) (review) 3. Amour (Michael Haneke, France/Germany/Austria) (review) 4. Holy Motors (Leos Carax, France/Germany) (review) 5. Beasts of the Southern Wild (Benh Zeitlin, USA) (review) = Berberian Sound Studio (Peter Strickland, UK/Germany) (review) 7. Moonrise Kingdom (Wes Anderson, USA) (review) 8. Beyond the Hills (Christian Mungiu, Romania/France/Belgium) (review) = Cosmopolis (David Cronenberg, Canada/France/Portugal/Italy) (review) = Once Upon a Time in Anatolia (Nuri Bilge Ceylan, Turkey/Bosnia & Herzegovina) (review) = This is Not A Film (Jafar Pahani & Mojtaba Mirtahmaseb, Iran) (review)
Moviefone's 10 Best Films You Didn’t See in 2012 list
There seemed to be a little juice behind Canadian director David Cronenberg’s latest effort, a wonderfully meandering adaptation of Dom DeLillo’s novel of the same name that charts a single, seemingly endless limousine ride. For one, the film premiered at Cannes, to mostly ecstatic audiences (full disclosure: I was in one of them), and for another, Cronenberg loaded his bizarre contraption with a secret weapon: Robert Pattinson.
As a disaffected billionaire, Pattinson showed unheard of gravitas and wit, both of which were sorely missing during his five-movie tenure as sparkly vampire Edward in the “Twilight” movies. But not even his handsome or borderline hieroglyphic face, could get people to come out to “Cosmopolis.” Granted, the movie is pretty weird. But it’s also tremendously rewarding — it works its hooks into you and, months after seeing it, I still can’t stop thinking about it. It’s also part of 2012′s great limousine ride double feature, along with Leos Carax’s equally strange “Holy Motors.” The mini-bar optional.
Granted, the movie is pretty weird. But it’s also tremendously rewarding — it works its hooks into you and, months after seeing it, I still can’t stop thinking about it.
"...Having forsworn the rush to hyperbolic judgment that all but overwhelms the experience of the movies themselves at Cannes, I fell into the trap when I snapped in response to a critic loudly proclaiming David Cronenberg’s Cosmopolis a bore: “It’s a masterpiece.”
Since no respectable critic would make such a claim after only one viewing, and aching to see it again, I blew off the closing night festival movies...and went to the dank local multiplex where Cosmopolis had already opened. It was even better the second time around."
With that, check out my early list below and tell me what you think. Who am I missing that should be considered? Who on this list doesn't stand a chance? I'll explore the rest of the above-the-line categories soon enough and hopefully by the end of the month we'll have a full batch of early predictions ready to role, just before this year's Cannes Film Festival.
Ben Affleck (Argo) Bradley Cooper (The Silver Linings Playbook) Daniel Day-Lewis (Lincoln) Leonardo DiCaprio (The Great Gatsby) * Clint Eastwood (Trouble With The Curve) Jamie Foxx (Django Unchained) Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Looper) Ryan Gosling (Only God Forgives) Ryan Gosling (The Place Beyond The Pines) Tom Hardy (Lawless) John Hawkes (The Surrogate) Philip Seymour Hoffman (The Master) Oscar Isaac (Inside Llewlyn Davis) Hugh Jackman (Les Miserables) Tobey Maguire (The Great Gatsby) Bill Murray (Hyde Park on Hudson) Brad Pitt (Killing Them Softly) Robert Pattinson (Cosmopolis) Robert Redford (The Company You Keep) Terrence Stamp (Song for Marion) Denzel Washington (Flight)
...I have not seen Robert Pattinson in anything before, but this movie makes me believe he has what it takes to stick around and become one of the power hitters in Hollywood. He creates an amoral character the likes of which I haven’t seen since Christian Bale’s portrayal of Patrick Bateman in American Psycho, but Pattinson ads an extra layer to his character that Bateman never had.
Where Bateman thinks he is smart, Packer is actually very intelligent. We can see the wheels constantly turning in his head even as he’s engaging in the most mundane tasks. It’s off-putting to say the least. .
You see, Cosmopolis throws heady ideas at you faster than Michael Bay can explode a building, but the rate at which these ideas stick is inconsistent. It does, however, develop a rhythm. About an hour into Cosmopolis, the pace and metered language has forced you to adjust, just as the performances get more straightforward and emotive on a regular scale.
In the visual department, Cronenberg is obviously no slouch. Even though the amount of unique locations numbers somewhere under 10, there are as many different visually interesting angles of the limo’s interior as possible and they are shown in long, static unbroken takes.
Here’s something else Cosmopolis won’t get credit for with its one-note detractors: This is a darkly funny film.
Cronenberg has a history of getting career best performances out of his lead actors - think James Woods in Videodrome, Christopher Walken in The Dead Zone, Jeff Goldblum in The Fly et al - and Robert Pattinson is no exception.
Pattinson is excellent as our protagonist, Eric Packer. (...) So it is with Pattinson - his self loathing, disenfranchised schtick meshes effortlessly with Cronenberg's trademark austerity. Pattinson and Cronenberg are just a great fit. In any case, it's difficult to see prior contender, Colin Farrell, being better than this.