I couldn't really get into it and Jokes felt flat. Rebel Wilson was funny though. Btw i was watching The Office Uk version before this and noticed that Jenny McCarthy sort of looks like Ricky Gervais in this movie.
Your post sucks and doesn't make sense. Criticize a movie and you can't write a friggin post...it's Melissa moron, and what's your point that she looks like Gervais? F%ck off
Woah someone was having a bad day. Calm the FVCK down with the name calling you dirty rat. The point is she looked like Ricky Gervais in Bridesmaid and that's my opinion, i never said it was a bad thing or good thing. So take your defensive negative nancy comment and FVCK off also.
I like the film a lot and dont expect to be insulted for my opinion, so I wont insult people that dont like the movie. We all have different tastes. house-hold that person sounded like that had the worst PMS ever and I agree was way over the top to you.