'Friends' like Helen

This character, in real life, is so irritating! It's a low move to have to steal ideas and outshine the best friend/ maid of honor of the bride. Unfortunately, I've met this character in real life, a sort of opportunist. I can relate to Annie's character and I'm happy it all ended in peace and fun for them.


So have I. You're not alone.

Snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes?


Most of us have had at least one Helen and if you haven't then you must be a Helen. I have had at least two in my life. I know better how to deal with them now and almost look forward to the next one.

Would a Cupcake kill you?


I had a "Helen" in my life who managed to destroy one of my close friendships. I cut "Helen" out of my life eventually, but it was hard. I couldn't relate with Annie's way of dealing with "Helen". It was too over-the-top and immature. How did you ladies deal with your respective "Helens"?


Helen tried to outsmart Annie throughout the movie. But she eventually came to realise this wasn't the best way to act because she was alienating people and damaging her friendship with Lillian. I don't think Helen was a bad person though, but I would deal with somebody like her by observing her behaviour. X


I realized that one my closest friend was becoming a Helen. So I stood back and observed to make sure. She was jealous and started to alienate me from events but asked for help and was my 'close friend' again when she needed or wanted something. I became less interested in her agendas but I always gave her an opportunity to talk about what was going on between us... And then she started lying about me to people! I was so upset. I supported her throughout our relationship and even let her into my home when she needed a place. Now, even the friends we share realize she's just a conniving opportunist and is only out for herself.I no longer want her in my life now. I've lost all of my trust in her.


I agree. It didn't seem like she was aware that she was doing was wrong.

I knew a few girls who were like that -- those perfect, popular women who grew up believing that being perfect and popular made it all right to treat less popular people like crap. In their minds, they can justify it that the less popular ones deserve to be bullied for not being as good as they are.

It's possible that she had parents who raised her to believe life is one big competition and they constantly pressured her to one-up everyone around her and be the best. Or she could just be one of those perfect people who enjoys being cruel to other human beings because it's one of the privileges of being perfect.


I had to get rid of one of my Helen's so people could finally find out her true colors. She needed to transfer her crap onto someone else because not everyone believed me. Now I get the occasional email saying 'Now they Know' because it's happened to them.

Sometimes you just have to remove yourself and let them sink their own ship.

Would a Cupcake kill you?




How do you deal with them? They're willing to do insidious things to advance their agenda.


It can't rain all the time.


Helen wasn't that bad actually. That was her outer shell. She really was vulnerable, and cared about others' feelings, at the end of the day. If she was truly a nasty person, she wouldn't have approached Annie at the end, nor would she have asked the cop to show up. That was going above and beyond. So-called "Helen" types wouldn't have made the effort.

Secondly, Annie was the friend you have to watch for. She let the green-eyed monster get the better of her, and would have ruined the wedding for sure - had she not gotten straightened out. She realized the error of her ways, before it was too late. Which probably doesn't happen that late in the game for too many people, in real life. I can relate to Annie, in that in my early 20's I went through a time where I felt I was losing control of my life/emotions, and I had a best friend who was insanely happy (stable relationship, new apartment, etc.), and she was actually more of a "pre-reveal" Helen than I realized at the time (she displayed a bit of schadenfreude - exhibited extra glee when I was going through a bad breakup, which seemed to fuel her happiness all the more). All the while, while feeling the heartbreaking pangs of my break-up, and feeling depressed, I never once begrudged her happiness, or lost my sh!te, like Annie.

Things got immeasurably better for me when I chose to do something about my situation - as I am sure it will for Annie. I wouldn't mind seeing a Bridesmaids II - the first one was hilarious.


^^this. I dont think some of the people in this thread watched the whole movie.

And if anything Imd hate to have a friend like Annie (whiiiiiiny and immature) or Maya's character (forgot her name... completely oblivious to what Helen was doing to her best friend and let her outshine her every time. Then blamed Annie when Helen gave her drugs AND booze.)

We're collecting dust, but our love's enough.


I watched the whole movie several times (I own the DVD), and I think Lillian gets off the hook too easily. She was clueless. She should have noticed how much Helen was trying to bring Annie down and how much Annie was struggling with it. They're best friends for Christ's sake.


^^this. I dont think some of the people in this thread watched the whole movie. And if anything Imd hate to have a friend like Annie (whiiiiiiny and immature)

I felt Annie was whiny because nobody understood what it was like to have a manipulative bitch try to screw with you. Even involving drugs and alcohol! Annie's own best friend didn't even understand.

I stayed friends with a Helen because, duh, of course they have a vulnerable and appealing side. That is why they are so damaging! They are desperate, sensitive and insecure. More so than Annie. While at the same time they are beautiful, talented people who perform flawlessly to the public eye - while messing with people behind the curtain.

Annie basically reacted (very) badly to things thrown at her whereas Helen was cold and manipulative - to me that is more harmful and malicious. Annie was just a ditzy idiot who didn't know how to process what was being done to her.

I feel sorry for Helen's who want to maintain their status so much that they will do anything to keep their place. It's almost touching really that they have to resort to such over the toppness like Helen did. You don't have to be number one all the time girls

But I digress because this Helen came to her senses.

Would a Cupcake kill you?


Yes, people like Helen are annoying, but if there were no people like Lilian, people like Helen would not exist. I couldnt stop thinking, the real *beep* in here was Lilian, and how she acted at the shower sealed the deal for me. There is no greater gift than memories and someone putting all their time and love to create a package with things you did and liked troughout your life. It means that person know and cared for you since day one... and that *beep* just turn around and praise her stupid paris trip gift.

My aunt created a similar package for my father on his 50th birthday and the reaction i saw that day was the most memorable reaction i've seen in my life. It was touching in a way i could not describe. If someone ever create something like that for me, i will know i mean all the world to them.


Huh? Lillian was perfectly fine. She showed adequate appreciation toward both of her friends. Lillian was a grown up, and showed adequate appreciation and praise for the time that was put into her crafted gift of past memories. Helen most likely put more time and resources, into planning the wedding, bridal party, and Bachelorette party, as well as her bridal gift, but yet you dismiss her effort because you don't like Helen. Not to mention, Lillian has always wanted to go to Paris - which, to her was thoughtful as well, as she had yet to experience that. In addition, Helen never purposely attempted to make the Bride feel bad, and she did her due diligence to make sure things went smoothly. Annie constantly complained about Helen, she took the bridal party to an unknown restaurant in a sketchy part of town, and fed them bad food; she didn't call the Bridal shop ahead of time - she just showed up (even if it was to find out the price ranges for herself - she didn't prepare). She didn't make sure she was properly dosed before boarding the plane on the way to the Bachelorette party, she put her pride before the Bride when she didn't accept Helen's generous offer to pay for her plane ticket even though she knew sitting next to her friend would have calmed her down, she didn't tell anyone she was deathly afraid of flying, and the kicker - she totally went bat-@#$! crazy, ruining the Bridal Shower and tries to take a party favor she can't afford (puppy) after bowing out. Who the F does that? And that doesn't include all her selfish antics in the movie. And to top it all off, she's never prepared and she never takes responsibility for her actions - she just blames others. It's no surprise her business failed. There are failed businesses where the owners crossed their "t's" and dotted their "i's" - Annie just goes where the wind takes her.

As for Lillian: Many people refuse to acknowledge this, but people handle things in different ways. Lillian was getting married, and could understandably be overwhelmed with planning, and thinking about how her life is going to change. While it is a joyous time in someone's life, it can also be an extremely stressful time. She never once raised her voice, acted unladylike (pre Total Annihilation). She was far from some of the Bridezilla's I've encountered. She only went off, when her so-called best friend completed her grand finale of Total Annihilation. Do you realize that Annie went out of her way to express her dissatisfaction with the process from the very beginning. She never, even once, explained herself. Not even when Lillian and her made up. She only half-heartedly apologized. She was never truly sorry. She was jealous of Lillian, and was probably jealous for quite some time (did you see her looking around Lillian's apartment in the beginning, all green-eyed? What about when Lillian told Annie she was getting married? That look was worth a 1000 words). I could only imagine what Annie would have been like if her cake business took off. She was self-absorbed, and selfish. Her childish behavior demonstrated that. She's one of those people that can't be happy for other people, unless she's doing okay or better than the other person. By the end of the movie, she hadn't been saved just yet. She had a whole lot of work to do, and I'm not sure a man in her life was the best thing for her character arc. She desperately needed to work on herself first.


None of the main characters were perfect in this movie. Lillian did appreciate what Annie did, but she was also blind to how Helen was manipulating her, trying to replace Annie in her life. She put more time and resources into the wedding and attendant events, but she HAD more time and money to use. It also seemed to me that she was doing these things to buy Lillian's friendship; make herself look better and a better friend than Annie. AND she stole Annie's idea for a Paris themed bridal shower after putting it down when Annie suggested it.
I was under the impression that Annie had been to the restaurant that she took the bridal party went to. She was telling them as they arrived that it was a great place.
If this was the first time Annie had been in a wedding, she may not have known that the bridal shop required reservations.
I think that allowing Helen, the woman who was undermining her at every turn, to pay for her first class ticket to the bachelorette party would make her feel like more of a failure than she already did. I don't think it's fair to judge her for not accepting any gift from that woman, no matter how generous. And other people did know she was afraid of flying, on the phone, Becca says, "I know you're afraid of flying…"
Annie's behavior at the shower was unacceptable and crazy. I'm not excusing it, but I can see the reason behind it (besides comedic effect for the movie). She is seeing her best friend from childhood slipping away, not because they're growing apart, but because a third party is actively trying to come between them. She's hurt and angry and went bat$#!t crazy.
I don't think anybody would argue that she takes responsibility for her actions, Rhodes and Megan both call her out on it. But it's part of her journey in the movie. She changes, as represented b getting her taillights fixed.
I didn't blame Lillian for most of her actions. I understood why she would be stressed and angry at Annie, even if I didn't always think that events were in Annie's control (she couldn't have predicted the food poisoning, her behavior on the plane was due to mixing meds and alcohol, which Helen gave her, whether by accident or on purpose, altho Annie should have known better). I didn't blame her for not calling Annie back, being busy and all, even though Annie said she really needed her. She could have been a better friend, tho. Did she really not see what Helen was doing? Did she not care that Helen was pushing for all these things that Annie couldn't afford?
Annie did have an expression when Lillian first said she was engaged that showed that she was jealous and disappointed in her own life, but in general she tried to be supportive. I'm thinking specifically of in the bridal salon when Lillian comes out in the dress and Annie was telling her how beautiful she looked, before they were interrupted.
I disagree that she only half-heartedly apologized; she was working hard to show support and get Lillian excited about her wedding. i understand how it could be open to interpretation because of Kristen Wiig's low-key style.
At the end of the movie, she was working on herself, there was a whole montage of her working towards reconnecting with other people, and she took responsibility for poisoning the bridal party to Helen.

They're talking about fictional characters. FICTIONALCHARACTERS


I never said that Helen was perfect. I am also aware that she stole ideas from Annie, but I what I've tried to convey is that Helen never tried to ruin Lilian's wedding festivities. Let's remember that Lilian was getting married, most likely stressed, and it is HER TIME. There is an unspoken code in the Wedding party that it is the Bride's time, and she should be made to feel special. You don't come to her with your petty jealousies and insignificant little spats until after the wedding. That is just the way it is. Annie went above and beyond the call of duty to ruin Lilian's time, because she is selfish.

Aside from all the war games each of them were playing, who went out of their way to verbalize and act out negativity? It was Lilian's wedding, and true friends try to make it special. BTW: I don't believe Annie went to the restaurant beforehand - that was a crapfest, and she would have gotten sick before (I watch the movie again, and that restaurant looked like a hellhole - I would never eat at a place that looked like that). The movie meant to paint a picture that Annie was always ill prepared, and blamed others for her failures. This was demonstrated in her failed business, and throughout the rest of the movie, and especially in scenes where the wedding planning was completely last-minute. Where you see that she was being supportive, I don't. She even says something in the bar scene to her love interest - something to the effect of, "I feel like my life sucks, and Lilian's going off to live a perfect one." She was JEALOUS. Plain and simple. Not to mention, materialistic. She was the type of friend that would not mind if the tables were turned and Lilian was the one going through a tough time. That behavior is abhorrent in a friend, and I despise those character traits. Perhaps some can deal, but I cannot. It is draining, and so not worth it. A friend like that will suck the life right out of you.

BTW: Most of her changes were self-serving. She hadn't made a total 180, and still had an attitude of blaming others, even at the end. She even had the nerve to be apprehensive when approaching Lilian after nearly ruining the wedding activities. She barely looked like she wanted to apologize, and was completely reserved and unemotional. For what she did, Lilian should have heard a full explanation. Annie never admitted to why she acted the way she did, only that she was sorry, and Helen made her act that way. One instance of helping to get Lilian's dress to look right, does not a true friend make. That just wouldn't cut it for me. I couldn't truly trust someone like that. Her core personality is a selfish and jealous type. I don't even really believe that you can teach someone not to be those things. It's part of their personality.

**At the end of the day, you must figure out if that is something you are willing to deal with in a friend. I know I couldn't.**


I would argue that trying to come between a bride and her maid of honor IS ruining the wedding experience, but doing it in such a way that she would look completely faultless and be able to sweep in and replace the best friend. Annie responded horribly, and as such is just as much to blame as Helen. Helen's goal was to outshine Annie, not focus on the bride. There was plenty of selfishness on Helen's side, too.
The reason I think Annie had been to the restaunt before was her dialog, I.e., "I know it looks a little scary from the outside, but the food is really good. Authentic Brazilian... Plus, you get a lot for your money too, so that’s good." You can continue to not believe it, I'm just explaining how I got that impression.
I definitely agree that Annie was jealous of Lilian. I just don't judge her as harshly as you do for it. It is a human and understandable emotion. I don't think her jealousy of Lilian prevented her from being happy for Lilian or being supportive. I also don't feel that her feelings of jealousy were the impetus behind her bad behavior, that was all jealousy of Helen.
I feel you are ascribing character traits to Annie that I didn't see evidence of. What made you think she was materialistic? Or what gave you the impression that Annie would be happy if Lilian was miserable?
I said she was working on herself, not that she had perfected herself. I just get the feeling that you don't want to like Annie or to believe that she can grow into a better person. You are dismissing or ignoring anything I say in her defence. That's fine, maybe I just want to believe the best of people.

**At the end of the day, you must figure out if that is something you are willing to deal with in a friend. I know I couldn't.**
Actually, I don't, see my sig.

They're talking about fictional characters. FICTIONALCHARACTERS!


I have said as much about Helen (if you go back and read you will see that I have criticized her behavior). To me, she is the lesser of two evils. If, Lilian's supposed best friend, would have sucked it up, things wouldn't have nearly been as bad. Her involvement in the wedding at the end of the day, really wasn't a priority for her. It may not be obvious to some, but it was plain as day for me.

BTW: Just because jealousy is as old as Cain, doesn't mean it's an "okay" part of human behavior. Her jealousy was unhealthy and speaks to her overall flawed character. At the end of the day, we'll have to agree to disagree. We all have our limits as to what we are willing to deal with when it comes to our relationships. I have had a lifetime's worth of dealing with jealous and self-absorbed people, so I don't tolerate it in my friends (or even family), especially as I can't trust a jealous person has my best interest at heart. But that's just me. As for your sig, they may be "fictional," but I've had first hand experience with these traits, which is why I have such an aversion to her character.

ETA: Just saw this:

"I know it looks a little scary from the outside, but the food is really good. Authentic Brazilian... Plus, you get a lot for your money too, so that’s good."

I do remember her saying something like that, but I'll have to watch it again to see if she said that she "heard" the food was really good. In any event, that place looked nasty. And, her comment about the prices seemed to be self-serving. That's how I took it, when I first watched it. In college, cheaping out on restaurants is understandable, but when we become more mature, and we're talking about WEDDINGS, that is a no no. No one else was concerned about the prices, except her. To that end, if money was an issue, she should not have accepted the role as Maid of Honor. Just another example of selfishness. If it were me, I would want my best friend to have the best and most grand wedding/festivities of her life. That means, if I couldn't afford it, I would either prepare and save, or allow someone else from the bridal party to take over as Bridesmaid and volunteer my time, love, and support. Can you honesty say that Annie wouldn't want the same treatment in return if Lillian didn't have the finances? Do you think, given her personality and involvement with John Hamm's character, she would be appreciative of the effort she gave to Lillian's wedding festivities, if the shoe was on the other foot? I was raised with the idea of "do unto others, as you would have done unto you." Annie wouldn't want that treatment/behavior for herself, so why would she think that this was good enough for Lillian?


^Jealous may not be healthy, but we all experience it as human beings at one time or another. You sound like a really judgemental and condemning person.


I'm actually not judgmental/condemning. I've just experienced people with that character trait, and it's not something I can deal with any longer. It lends itself to distrust. Trust is huge when it comes to relationships. If I can't trust someone, what is the point of dealing with them? BTW: You're the one who is making personal assumptions about my character. I'm speaking of someone's behavior in a movie, and you're making character profiles on a real person. How ironic. If I was the judgmental type, I would have profiled you, as you've done. Just something to chew on.

P.S. I am not a jealous person. I never feel it. It's not a good idea to make blanket statements about the entire race of human beings.


Huh? Lillian was perfectly fine. She showed adequate...blah blah blah

OK Helen.

Would a Cupcake kill you?


by Eve_of_Destruction » Fri Aug 16 2013 10:13:15

OK Helen.

Um okay, whatev. Calling me Helen was not clever, nor cute. If you don't agree you could have moved along. Lillian wasn't the one that tried to ruin someone else's wedding and show all kinds of classless behavior. It was her festivities that were being ruined. People seem to forget, that she was the one getting married, and should not have had to be bothered by all the pettiness. Planning a wedding is stressful enough. Save your grievances until after the wedding. A bride should not have to be bothered with people catching feelings because they don't feel that they are being adequately showered with attention. Seriously, grow up. It seems like some people are really having a problem with the concept of "putting others before yourself." Is it that difficult that people can't do that for a few days? Damn.

Oh, and next time you want to quote someone, try doing it right. "Blah, blah, blah," wasn't part of my post.


Um okay, whatev. Calling me Helen was not clever, nor cute.
Well, it made me chuckle, even though I wasn't the one who posted that.

People seem to forget, that she was the one getting married, and should not have had to be bothered by all the pettiness.
Oh, so because Lillian is getting married, it's okay for her to be clueless about how much her best friend is being antagonized by Helen, and as a result is suffering. ...Whatever.


1. How nice for you. If you read above, I actually quoted Eve of Destruction, not you. I replied to you separately. Unless, of course, your alias is Eve. In which case, I guess you told on yourself. LOL

2. If you have never planned a wedding of that size I wouldn't expect you to understand. Secondly, Annie was being antagonistic from the very beginning, and Lillian didn't check her when she started. So maybe she was clueless, because if that were my friend, I would have already had that discussion. If you watch her reaction when Lillian first told her that she was getting married, that should tell you everything. If not, recall when Annie felt it necessary to get the mic back to provide a proper speech at the engagement party. She couldn't even be bothered to do it right the first time. And only when, Helen gave an actual speech, did Annie decide to actually put some effort into it - but only because she didn't want to look bad - it wasn't for Lillian's sake. Annie shouldn't have needed any prompting to do the right thing - to actually behave like a best friend. Her blasé attitude while giving the Maid of Honor speech, is just another example of her mindset. Not to mention, her insulting someone in Lillian's bridal party so early on. Using the "best friend card" is no excuse to act like an utter brat. Had she acted like a lady (not to mention, a best friend), much of what happened could have been avoided. Her behavior in those upper class settings was really embarrassing. I'm kind of not surprised that Lillian didn't find the right time to tell Annie about herself "in the moment" until the situation got too much to bear - she should have told her in the beginning, because Annie's behavior kept escalating. Because Annie was Lillian's best friend, Annie really should have known better than to act like someone with no "home training," especially in public. I had to close my eyes at some of what she did - I was embarrassed for her.

But of course, people are going to think what they want, because Annie is seen as the protagonist by many on this board, and "she can do no wrong." The movie points out that Annie is always blaming someone else for her behavior/problems/past/future/etc., and yet that's all I see people doing here. Pointing the finger at Helen and Lillian. smh. Aside from her lack of etiquette, anyone, who isn't biased can tell from the speech alone, that Annie didn't have her heart into it. If that kind of person is considered a "great friend," hell I wouldn't want any friends (with friends like her, who needs enemies?). But alas, I'm glad I can think for myself, and not go with the "popular" people in this thread. I actually know for a fact that those in my circle have my back, are loyal & trustworthy, and there isn't a Cain-sized knife waiting for me. Happy backstabbing, folks! I'm out.


1. How nice for you. If you read above, I actually quoted Eve of Destruction, not you. I replied to you separately. Unless, of course, your alias is Eve. In which case, I guess you told on yourself. LOL
(Sigh.) You're confused. I was well aware you were quoting Eve of Destruction, but I chose to comment on your comment that Eve's post wasn't funny. I even acknowledged this by saying "even though I wasn't the one who posted that." ...Get it now?


You know what? Nevermind, I can't with you. All that, and you address a reply that wasn't meant for you, instead of the one that was, and I'm the confused one. Oh, okay. SMH


So I'm not allowed to comment on a post meant for someone else? ...Yes, you truly are confused, on multiple levels.


It would be nice if you could keep an attention span long enough to respond to the post that was meant for you, instead of jumping in other people's conversations. Continuity is a good thing. Losing focus, jumping in other people's dicussions to make sarcastic comments, and going off on tangents, make it look like you have ADD - at the very least, you're trolling. And badly, I might add.

Anyways, like a true troll, you haven't added anything that requires deep thought or maintained basic forum etiquette - so I have a few suggestions: 1.) If you would like to continue discussing the topic, try to maintain some semblance of an attention span and respond to the post intended for you, 2.) be on your merry way and converse with someone else, or 3.) focus on something more important, like the information I posted about a real life couple with young children, who are going through real life hardship right now.

ETA: Here is the link to the information about the young family, to all that are interested in sending prayers, or donating time/resources:

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1478338/board/nest/215685511?d=219067467#2 19067467



Did it ever occur to you that I just didn't want to respond to your pointless post, but saw you complaining that another poster's reply was not funny, and chose to comment on that. So sorry if that confused your tiny brain. I typed "even though I wasn't the one who posted that" but you missed it, so if anyone comes across as having ADD, it's you. Pay attention next time, idiot.

Also, I read enough of your foolish posts to know nobody on here can get through to you, so I didn't want to continue discussing the topic with you. Like the sad sack you are, you chose to cry "Troll" just because someone disagreed with you, which just validates my decision to cease discussing the issue with you.


by Paul_Ke » Fri Aug 23 2013 08:40:28

^Jealous may not be healthy, but we all experience it as human beings at one time or another. You sound like a really judgemental and condemning person.

Facts: Straight out the gate, in your very first post directed at me, like a troll, you make a personal attack. First you called me judgmental, but you are the only one making judgments. You made a blanket statement that everyone becomes jealous, to which I confirm that I don't. I called you out on both erroneous assertions, and like a troll, you chose to ignore it, find another post addressed to someone else, and attack me there. Your little excuse of "I added that it wasn't me" has no bearing. Whether you are pretending to be someone else or you're actually a different poster (both possibilities were taken into account), doesn't negate the fact that you are, indeed, trolling. You have been extremely insulting, and going off on random tangents for no other reason, except to troll. Like I posted before, there are more important things than your insatiable desire for negativity, like the following story I posted, and yet you insist on wasting space with your nonsensical diatribes, that no one is interested in. Do yourself a favor, and grow up. In the mean time, if you decide to keep it up, I'll take it as a "free post," and continue to repost this story, which needs more exposure than your childish antics. 

Story about a young family in trouble:

a beautiful-turned-sad story that I just found while browsing craft blogs for inspiration. It's on Stylemepretty.com (a wedding planning blog): 

There is a couple that had to keep postponing their wedding due to finances, when one of their friends decided to turn her business' (Paperlily Photography) promo photo shoot into a surprise wedding for the couple. When I read the story, it literally brought tears to my eyes. After reading, I went googling to find more articles about the couple, and it turns out that the groom ended up in the hospital due to a complication from brain tumor removal surgery when he was a child. They're trying to raise money now for medical bills. It really brings home the meaning of what's important in life. 

For those interested I'm posting a new thread, and a few links at the bottom (I'll also update this post with the link to the new thread with the actual story). 

Feature on Style Me Pretty: http://www.stylemepretty.com/georgia-weddings/2012/04/04/vinewood-surp rise-wedding-by-paperlily-photography/

Paperlily update: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=111343648883407&story_fb id=636970566320710

Donation site: https://fundrazr.com/campaigns/eZj66

Some pics: 

http://isa2.stylemepretty.com//wp-content/submissions/uploads/christy_ [email protected]/26983/cool_1078$!400x.jpg

http://isa2.stylemepretty.com//wp-content/submissions/uploads/christy_ [email protected]/26983/img_4789_edit$!400x.jpg

http://isa2.stylemepretty.com//wp-content/submissions/uploads/christy_ [email protected]/26983/img_5013$!600x.jpg

NEW IMDB THREAD (with the original story): 

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1478338/board/nest/219067567?d=219067567#2 19067567


First you called me judgmental
I said you "sound like" a judgemental person, which you do.

You made a blanket statement that everyone becomes jealous, to which I confirm that I don't.
If you're saying that you have never once in your entire life felt jealousy, then you're either a liar or a freakishly atypical human being devoid of normal human emotion. If it's the latter, then you really shouldn't be pronouncing judgement on emotions and behavior of characters in a movie.

Your little excuse of "I added that it wasn't me" has no bearing.
LOL! I love how you refuse to admit that you were too stupid to understand what it meant.

Whether you are pretending to be someone else or you're actually a different poster
I'm a different poster. It's hilarious that you think it impossible for more than one person to disagree with you, so you conclude in your paranoid, delusional mind that it MUST be the same person posing as 2 different posters.

In the mean time, if you decide to keep it up, I'll take it as a "free post," and continue to repost this story
Like I care how many times you repost your story. Knock yourself out.


by Paul_Ke » 17 hours ago (Thu Sep 5 2013 08:50:11)

I said you "sound like" a judgemental person, which you do.

If you're saying that you have never once in your entire life felt jealousy, then you're either a liar or a freakishly atypical human being devoid of normal human emotion. If it's the latter, then you really shouldn't be pronouncing judgement on emotions and behavior of characters in a movie.

LOL! I love how you refuse to admit that you were too stupid to understand what it meant.

I'm a different poster. It's hilarious that you think it impossible for more than one person to disagree with you, so you conclude in your paranoid, delusional mind that it MUST be the same person posing as 2 different posters.

Like I care how many times you repost your story. Knock yourself out.

1. "I said you "sound like" a judgemental [sic] person, which you do... you were too stupid..."

Irony at it's finest. Seriously, so many gems to choose from.

2. There are actually people that aren't jealous types. I have friends and family like this, so that trait isn't as rare as you might think. Making sweeping generalizations about the entire human race, makes it seem like you're someone that doesn't know a lot of people, nor have much life experience. Being a normal, healthy, and functioning human being, doesn't mean that you have to feel or experience jealousy, anymore than having a violent streak or feelings of greed. Not everyone is the same, or runs the same gamut of emotions. On an elementary/common sense level, your posts (as opposed to all of the other posters in this thread) illustrate this.

3. You attacked me and insulted me in your first post. It's not surprising that you're now trying to backpedal with grammar and syntax. What's more telling, is that you continue to name call.

4. I thought this was obvious, and seriously didn't think this would need explanation, but here goes: There are people on here that pretend to be a different person and have multiple sign-ons. A poster becomes especially suspicious when they start attacking you from the very beginning and jump into other conversations (essentially e-bullying), instead of staying on topic. That type of behavior has nothing to do with "disagreeing" or having a mature debate. There are plenty of people in this thread who have disagreed with me, and didn't start trolling and attacking/name-calling. Their debate actually stayed within the scope of weddings and the movie. So, both possibilities crossed my mind and were mentioned. Furthermore, you were addressed as a separate poster throughout my reply. Therefore, if I was wholly convinced that you were the same poster, I would have addressed you as "Eve of Destruction" throughout the post. Lastly, given my experience, I wouldn't just take a poster's word for it - that's called critical thinking. Nitpicking at that perceived error (a minuscule comment made in passing), and calling people "idiot" and "stupid" is only making you look even more childish (and suspicious), at the very least. Those who "doth protest too much..." comes to mind. Regardless, of whether or not you are, or aren't the same poster - as I previously mentioned, the primary issue is: Rather than discuss the topic, you are still trolling, e-bullying, name-calling, etc.

5. "Like I care how many times you repost your story. Knock yourself out." Hmm. That isn't my story*, which can be easily ascertained. Readers will be able to draw their own conclusions as to the type of person you are, just from that sentence, alone. Not to mention, your uncontrollable desire to clog up this thread with your angry and frenzied diatribe.

6. In one of your previous replies, you posted, "...which just validates my decision to cease discussing the issue with you." Interesting. Not only do you continue to have a desire to perpetuate negativity and insult people, you seem to have a lack of empathy (see #5.). Not to mention, you have claimed that I have issues "on many levels." If, by now, you still think you aren't trolling, you need to seek professional help. I'm being serious. You seem to be unaware of some anger issues, among other disorders.


*For everyone else, here are the links to the real life story I was referring to which has been updated (brief synopsis - a recently married bride and groom with small children, and the groom is trying to recover from a complication from brain tumor removal - they have massive hospital debt):

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1478338/board/nest/215685511?d=219067467#2 19067467

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1478338/board/nest/219067567?d=latest&; t=20130906015053#latest


you were too stupid..."

Irony at it's finest. Seriously, so many gems to choose from.
I love how you imply I'm stupid while in the process of using incorrect grammar. You should have used "its" here, not "it's".

2. There are actually people that aren't jealous types.
Again, you change the previous point. I didn't say "jealous types", I said everyone feels jealousy at least once in their lives. You, however, claim you have never felt jealousy in your life. So I will requote my previous post: If you're saying that you have never once in your entire life felt jealousy, then you're either a liar or a freakishly atypical human being devoid of normal human emotion. If it's the latter, then you really shouldn't be pronouncing judgement on emotions and behavior of characters in a movie.

3. You attacked me and insulted me in your first post.
Aww, don't cry, poor baby.

It's not surprising that you're now trying to backpedal with grammar and syntax.
Pointing out how you tweak the point (see above with the difference between never once experiencing the emotion of jealousy and being a "jealous type") is not backpedlaing. But I suppose, in your deluded mind, it makes you feel better to believe that it is.

That isn't my story*
Um, I meant that it's "your story" in that you keep presenting it, not that it's a story about you. This should have been obvious. But then, you've proven youself to be slow multiple times in this thread. And I suspect there's more to come!

Not to mention, your uncontrollable desire to clog up this thread with your...frenzied diatribe.
Now THAT is irony at its finest. Not only are you doing the same thing, your rambling posts are far longer and wordier than mine.

Feel free to reply and embarrass yourself some more. You provide a great punching bag.


The purpose of me bringing up irony wasn't for your grammar, firstly - especially as I typed that on my iPhone (auto correct is a MF). What is ironic is that you called me judgmental and stupid. Excuse me, you claimed I was "stupid" had a "tiny brain," and I "sounded judgmental and condemning." Let's think about that for a minute. You're not only name calling, you began by being judgmental, yourself. And if you really want to get technical - you are the one who started out by trolling and calling people "idiots," "slow," confused, and "stupid," yet by your own admission, your grammar isn't all that great, not to mention you don't seem to know the meaning of irony, nor hypocrisy, for that matter.

Now THAT is irony at its finest. Not only are you doing the same thing, your rambling posts are far longer and wordier than mine.

I noticed you left the "angry" part out of my post. Interesting. While my posts have been a bit wordy, they have been thorough, and concise. Yours have been angry and frenzied (meaning all over the place). If my posts seem scattered to you - I'm only responding to each of your "points" - so therein lies the problem you may be having with keeping up.

You, however, claim you have never felt jealousy in your life... you're either a liar or a freakishly atypical human being devoid of normal human emotion. If it's the latter, then you really shouldn't be pronouncing judgement on emotions and behavior of characters in a movie.

Never posted that. Learn to read and comprehend (especially before you attempt to label someone else as "slow"). "Never feel" (what I posted) = present tense; "never felt in one's life" = past tense. BTW: I was seven years old, the last time I felt envious of a peer that had something I wanted (a book bag that my mother bought for her birthday). Never wished ill will on the child, nor did I wish her harm. After that, nothing. Some scholars argue, the tinge of envious emotion I felt is not the same thing as jealousy (they are constantly going back and forth with defining each). I can say, since then, without a doubt, I just don't get jealous. There are others that don't get jealous, especially at Annie's age (late 30's/early 40's), and especially to the degree that she experienced (which was unhealthy - something I pointed out earlier - the crux of my original argument - yet you seemingly ignored). Additionally, scholars can't agree on whether jealousy is innate, learned, or cultural - so we damn sure aren't going to agree. Especially as you don't know anyone who doesn't experience that emotion. Further, like you feel you have the right to make judgments on a real life human being, I can comment on a fictional character. The fact that you have the audacity to suggest that I don't have the right to comment on a fictional character, is hilarious. More ironic hypocrisy.

you've proven youself [sic] to be slow multiple times in this thread... don't cry, poor baby...You provide a great punching bag.

More insulting and name-calling. This just further illustrates your pitiful attempts at e-thugging - on display for everyone to see. If you weren't being so obvious, it would be funny. Instead, it's just sad - especially if you're an adult. *le sigh* I hope some day you get the psychiatric help you so obviously need. You seem very angry and generally sad about your life. Hint: happy people aren't this negative, nor abrasive.

ETA: it's pretty obvious you can't get through a post without name-calling, erratic posting, and generally insulting behavior. In my graduate program, I was trained not to entertain the unstable, so I'll be putting you on ignore -especially as you've become predictable, and consequently, boring. Anyhow, you have fun playing your weird and disturbed games by yourself (probably the only enjoyment you'll get out of life). I have an appointment at the spa, and then it's off to get my nails done. Ciao!


1. LOL

2. I think I stumbled upon the unintentionally funniest exchange on IMDB.

3. I'm another poster on IMDB that posts here in this thread because this is the internet

4. again, lol 


Its nice to be nice.


The initial speech made by Annie was simple, heartfelt and something you would expect from someone who was sincere, low key and was not comfortable pushing themselves forward. Lillian was very happy with the speech Annie gave. When Helen gave the sugary speech and did the female equivalent of peeing on her territory then Annie made the big mistake of trying to equal or better her and only made herself even more stupid than Helen. Of course Annie was a little jealous of her friend. She did not want her friend to be unhappy or not want her to have all the good things she just wondered why some of the good things could not happen for her also. If Annie wanted to ditch the wedding and not accept the job of maid of honor she would have felt like a dreadful friend. She wanted to do the job as well as she could but unfortunately her resources were not infinite and she wanted to be a good friend and maid of honor on a budget but all the other women had much more money to spend. This is something that can happen to groups of friends - male and female and at any time of their lives - the point is that good friends can enjoy each others company and have weddings without alienating their less affluent friends. To me that is a sign of a good friend. Lillian was bound to know that Annie was struggling financially and all the over the top spending was crippling her. Weddings can be fun and done on a reasonable budget - all of the over the top spending for a few days (while others in your bridal party or family cannot afford it is selfish and ridiculous). Weddings can bring out the best and worst in people - even Lillian's father expressed his feelings about the wedding budget and Lillian just looked at him blankly and did not take a hint. Lillian became a bridezilla - not the screaming, shouting kind but the type that expected everyone to mortgage themselves to the hilt so that they could be part of her wedding.


Um okay, whatev. Calling me Helen was not clever, nor cute. If you don't agree you could have moved along.

I'm sorry I was just trying to be funny. That was wrong of me.

Would a Cupcake kill you?


No problem.

I guess this topic is touchy with a lot of people, myself included. Which brings me to a beautiful-turned-sad story that I just found while browsing craft blogs for inspiration. It's on Stylemepretty.com (a wedding planning blog):

There is a couple that had to keep postponing their wedding due to finances, when one of their friends decided to turn her business' (Paperlily Photography) promo photo shoot into a surprise wedding for the couple. When I read the story, it literally brought tears to my eyes. After reading, I went googling to find more articles about the couple, and it turns out that the groom ended up in the hospital due to a complication from brain tumor removal surgery when he was a child. They're trying to raise money now for medical bills. It really brings home the meaning of what's important in life.

For those interested I'm posting a new thread, and a few links at the bottom (I'll also update this post with the link to the new thread with the actual story).

Feature on Style Me Pretty: http://www.stylemepretty.com/georgia-weddings/2012/04/04/vinewood-surp rise-wedding-by-paperlily-photography/

Paperlily update: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=111343648883407&story_fb id=636970566320710

Donation site: https://fundrazr.com/campaigns/eZj66

Some pics:

http://isa2.stylemepretty.com//wp-content/submissions/uploads/christy_ [email protected]/26983/cool_1078$!400x.jpg

http://isa2.stylemepretty.com//wp-content/submissions/uploads/christy_ [email protected]/26983/img_4789_edit$!400x.jpg

http://isa2.stylemepretty.com//wp-content/submissions/uploads/christy_ [email protected]/26983/img_5013$!600x.jpg


Bump, because the above is happening in real life.


I received word from the popular wedding blog, Stylemepretty.com, and they stated that they would feature an update. Hopefully, this will give this young family the momentum they need to recover and rebuild.


I've not only known a Helen but had a friend who acted the same way as Lilan and favoured her side over mine. I'm glad to say that, although I felt like going as crazy as Annie did, I took a different approach and stepped back and then out of the picture and left the two of them to it. Safe to say, it wasn't long until my old friend came crawling back to me, having the nerve to be hurt at me for stepping back.

Ashmi any question


So typical, instead of becoming aware she gets mad at you. Sounds like my friend who was wooed by a Helen.

Would a Cupcake kill you?


I know, its never their fault is it? At least now she tells me she feels guilty for her actions so I guess thats something. And I will always be able to revel in the fact that I won in the end

Ashmi any question


Yeah, me,too. Even when they seemed to reconcile to get to Lilly to see if she was all right, Annie was still a bit bitter at Helen, saying that she didn't want to talk to her, but it slow and then very quickly became a new friendship between the two girls before they even reached Lillian's place.

Sarah Silverman Is Magic


Annie was still a bit bitter at Helen,

It might have been a trust thing. Sure at that moment Helen was vulnerable but knowing her track record she could turn at anytime. What she did to Annie on the plane was dangerous. It ruined her friendship with Lillian.



When I was single, between relationships, I met a friend at a dance class who was also single. We "clicked" instantly and just partied and had fun for 6 months, but then I met my now-husband and she freaked out and tried to split us up! She also hated my best friend, she was so jealous of her, and she used to compete with her about who knows me best etc, so many parts of Bridesmaids reminds me of her!

We parted ways eventually, which was sad as we had fun for a wile but she was WAY too bunny boiler!


I think we all have had a 'Helen' in our life. Except Annie is worse to me, she has some serious problems and she also did not handle Helen well.



Any sane person knows Annie is worse. Annie has mental issues and needs pro help. Also she ruined her friends wedding and bach party. Helen is just fake and annoying, Annie is annoying and messed up.
