Not really a review but...
I've never written a review here in my life. Although I've been using IMDb for ages, for some reason I always took the main ratings as a fairly good marker of how the movie is. Unfortunately, I've for some reason just realized with this movie, that the only people who rate these are A) People who truly hated he movie and want somewhere to rant B) People who love the movie and want to promote it more. C) People who fancy themselves movie critics, and detailed reviews acting like they cater to everyone. I've decided never to look at user reviews again, unless a movie is truly crap and mostly everyone agrees. Those reviews are pretty damn funny. If you think about it though if most of the people on here rate 1's because they were offended and want to be a part of lowering the score, and the people who genuinely want to give an honest review throw in a midline say 4-8, those people are rare, because who takes the time to write these out either are angry, or extremely happy. i suggest never going by the score unless it's about a 1 and also matches the rotten tomatoes scores. Other than that decide for yourself, stop reading this crap. This isn't a real review, but I'll add a bit in, I enjoyed this movie, give it a shot if you're the least bit interested. Don't read any reviews, just decide for yourself.