Top 20 CBM's ?
can you list your definitive top 20 CBM's
Its getting extremely hard for me now...there are just so many...every year theres 5 or 6 coming out now...and Its getting extremely hard to rank them because theres so little that separate some.
I just watched Aquaman, and ranked of right now its in my top 20...
I felt Aquaman was a weird movie, some part were great and some part were So Bad.
Overall though I feel this movie ONLY works if its not set in The DCEU that been put on screen the last 5 years...
this movie has so much fantasy, so over the top...Theres no way it could possible exist in the world we've seen in MOS,BvS,SS,WW and JL
You almost have to look at the movie as Avatar....A movie where a director was creating a new Universe and world...
anyways here my top 20.
1. The Avengers-10/10
1. The Dark Night-10/10
1. Logan-10/10
^ 3 way tie for 1...IMO all 3 have a case to be The greatest CBM ever made
4. Captain America The Winter Soldier-9.5/10
5. Avengers IW-9/10
6. Civil War-9/10
7. GOTG-9/10
8. Deadpool-9/10
9. Man Of Steel-8.5/10
10. Thor Ragnarok-8.5/10
These are my concrete top 10...I have no doubts at all..I'm absolute sure about these.
11. Wonder Woman-8.5/10
12. The Dark Knight Rises-8.5/10
13. Thor-9/10
14. Doctor Strange-8.5/10
15. Hellboy-8.5/10
16. Spider-Man HC-8/10
17. Aquaman-7.5/10
18. Deadpool 2-8/10
19. Black Panther-8/10
20. Ant-Man-7.5/10
Can you make A top 20? its very difficult for me now
I remember in 2012 after The Avengers came out...Dozens of people made "Rank The MCU films" and "Top 10 CBM's" threads.
back then there was 6 MCU films....ranking them wasnt hard....Now theres 20...
ranking the 10 Time back then wasnt too hard forward to now....theres been 40 + Comic book movies made in the last 7 years...Its getting hard to rank them