A Truly Epic failure because You just had to add "It could pass BP says top scientists."
again this is a classis example of you DC fans having success, But NOT the success you really want...
Aquaman was a huge hit, But YOU wanted "MCU type Success"...you wanted Black Panther type success...
You didnt get it...
You could have simply said "One billion is guaranteed" and been right and happy...
but after 10 years of watching Marvel Studios dominate and Beat DC....your EGO made you add "It could pass BP says top scientists."
and of course we know Aquaman LOST to Black Panther in every possible way....
Therefor Just an Epic Fail!
Your just going to have to find a way to be happy with DC films finally Having "Just Success"....If you get stuck on DC films having "MCU type success" your going to continue to be disappointed...
the future is bright for DC films(note I specifically called Future DC films "DC Films", as calling them DCEU films, would be factual incorrect as The DCEU is DEAD)
but The point is, Zack Snyder is gone, the destroyer of DC films is gone, No more Dark,depressing,Joyless and Colorless DC failures.....WB is Full on copying Marvel Studios now....future DC films are going to be successful....you just need to find a way to be happy with "some success" and not stick to "MCU type Success"