MovieChat Forums > Luther (2010) Discussion > Started to watch but some things.. (Seas...

Started to watch but some things.. (Season 1, ep.2) - (Gets any better?) playing russian roulette until the last bullet was ridiculous writing. Given his death wish, although he didn't admit it, it would be believable to allow it once, seeing as he could stop it at any time, given the final result. But that scene was way outside the realm of suspended disbelief..
I was on the border when they didn't even try to follow the killer on the roof, when his wife didn't believe him about a potential threat and even more so when he went alone to face the above situation, but that scene was almost game breaking moment for me.
I want to like it but if it goes on like that..

So my question is: does the writing get better in the rest of the series regarding believable situations? Or does it keep bordering on the near impossible?

PS. I have watched The Mentalist which requires quite some suspension of disbelief, what with all the "magic" tricks he pulls off on others, but even they never tried something that extreme.


I don't mind replying to me..
So in series 3, Justin gets spooked by the spooky-cop who came back from the dead to "haunt" Luther (the scare tactics bit and threat was quite cheesy) and acts like a moron believing that Luther supposedly warned Barnaby? The same man who defended him against accusations/manhunt of killing his wife.. at a time that he knew him even less!
At this point I really don't understand the high rating anymore. The writing is subpar (jump scares/music and in a police series.. come on. It's not a horror show. Focus on the story) and frankly the acting now is beginning to get to me. I really enjoyed the last two episodes of the 1st series and thought it was worth waiting for. There were some fair scenes in series 2, mainly the ones with the x-prostitue but even then, are we supposed to believe that the "syndicate" that drilled his hand and made him do unbelievable things, suddenly backed down after a one man loss and because "he spoke to a friend.. that would come down with the wrath of God.." I guess it was a three-persons syndicate after all.
I wanted something with solid writing like "Line of Duty" but sadly this isn't it. I suppose one with a very strong feeling of suspension of disbelief maybe will enjoy the show.
I'll probably watch until the end now out of sheers curiosity (and whatever hope left I have of it getting even slightly better.)

EDIT: Or just for Alice, her scenes alone are worth it.


the shows quality in writing is extremely inconsistent. it started off extremely good and i loved the luther character in combination with alice. nevertheless, i agree with all the flaws mentioned and what makes it worse is that for every season finale, they throw reality completely out of the window. it's the first show i know where the season finale is actually the worst part of the season up to a level, where it seems to intend to stop you from watching instead of trying of keep you watching.
