Chloe is no Alice

Is anyone disappointed in the replacement for Alice? Chloe is certainly lacking the spark that Alice had. Even though Alice was a killer, there was something you liked about her, in spite of it, cannot say the same for Chloe, she was a bit wooden and dull, and I honestly felt nothing for her character. Also, what is the deal...only 2 episodes? Seems like they tried to cram too much story in such a short season.

"I'm in a glass case of emotion!"


Wasn't Chloe the first victim? If so, I don't see how you're comparing the two.


Assuming you mean Megan (and really who can keep track of her name), I don't believe she'll be the new "femme fatale". I don't believe Alice is gone for good either. I see her and the story as a means to keep Luther in England.


How can a cop have a relationship with a woman he knows is a murderer? Ruth Wilson is a fine actress but her Alice is way over the top.

I'd like for Luther to meet a nice normal woman and have some sex. I wasn't fond of his late wife Zoe either, they seemed very mid-matched.


That's what made the relationship interesting. She speaks to that dark side of himself that he otherwise spends so much time trying to repress and ignore. She is, as Megan said, "his blind spot"


alice needs to return. her weird relationship with luther was the best part of the show.


Exactly! The interaction between Alice and Luther was what made the show interesting.
