MovieChat Forums > Luther (2010) Discussion > Luther is an image of the world without ...

Luther is an image of the world without the 2nd Amendment

Good people cowering in the face of lightly armed criminals. In the US the perp would be blown away.

god ... I really miss curry


As would several bystanders and anyone who got in the way and a child who found a gun in his Mum's handbag and some guys dancing at a club and neighbours who don't like dogs barking all hours, anyone the Police thought was acting a little oddly, anyone who doesn't do EXACTLY as they are told by law enforcement oh and some kids at a playground with a toy gun, then maybe forty 7 year olds in a classroom.

All dead, every one. You can keep that world. You are welcome to it.


And there you go....I give you Dallas. That's your world WITH your centuries old second amendment.

The right to kill as many people as quickly as possible. Can't wait to see what your "rights" bring you next month. I just feel sorry for the innocent lives that will undoubtedly be lost because some people are so immature they have to feel like Rambo.



some people are so immature they have to feel like Rambo.

-- or the Sheriff who gave Rambo such a hard time.


Est modus in rebus sunt certi denique fines quos ultra citraque nequit consistere rectum Goldilocks


Every single study, including those by radically left wing liberal universities, show the opposite of your lunatic assessment. Cities and counties where concealed carry is legal have far fewer gun deaths, far fewer crimes, and absolutely far fewer murders. Meanwhile the cities and counties that have disarmed the people suffer chronic criminality, murder, mayhem, gangs and violence, etc. The facts are the facts, no matter what your liberal brain wants to think.


sir from your profile pic I would have never thought you're anti-gun control.

Plot hole - Aspect of a film that is misunderstood or missed while using your smart phone.


That, Matt is just Bollocks. As Sir Bob Geldof would say.. "It's total Bollocks"

You are welcome to your wild west where kids and innocents get slaughtered every single day. Not just by Criminals but by Law Enforcement and people who are "Having a bad day" with access to firearms.

Really, really stupid.



Matt, it isn't just the US, studies, including a huge study from Harvard show the same thing; cities and countries with strict gun control usually have much higher rates of violent crimes, including murders.
In short, "gun free zones" are helpless victim killing zones. Conversely, those areas where citizens are legally allowed to own and carry firearms, have low rates of violent crime.

The countries of the world with the highest rates of murder per capita have strict gun control.
The US, despite having the most guns per capita by far, is only #111 in terms of murders per capita with 4.7 per 100,000.

Even this is artificially high, because it includes the data from cities with strict gun control like
Detroit with 54.6 murders per 100,000 per year.
New Orleans 53.2
St. Louis 35.5
Baltimore 34.9
Newark 34.4
Oakland 31.8
Stockton 23.7
Kansas City 22.6
Philadelphia 21.5
Cleveland 21.3
Memphis 20.2
Atlanta 19.0
Chicago 18.5

Even with all those socialist utopias with strict gun control and their high murder rates, America's murder rate per capita is only 4.7 per 100,000.
Plano Texas, where virtually everyone owns at least one gun, has a murder rate of only 0.4 per 100,000.

Honduras, with strict gun control is #1 in the world with 90 murders per 100,000.

Murder rates and violent crimes rates in general always decrease after States allow citizens to carry concealed handguns. And despite the fears of people who oppose the civil right of self defense, citizens who carry concealed handguns rarely ever commit crimes, and they don't act like "cowboys", they don't shoot innocent people, etc.

God bless the police for all they do to reduce crime and put criminals behind bars. But they are not, and cannot be our bodyguards.
It is a basic human right, a civil right, to be able to defend your life and those of your loved ones.
Revoking that right always leads to a rise in violent crime.

Scenes like that in season 2 episode 3 in which a man murders people at random with a small bat and later with a hammer are examples of the vulnerability of defenseless citizens against violent criminals. When seconds count, the police are minutes away.

Interestingly, the very politicians who oppose citizens' rights to carry firearms are known to carry handguns themselves, or have armed bodyguards in many cases. Occasionally we read about them in the news. There was a famous cable news pundit who promoted gun control back in the 80s who shot an intruder in his home.
It seems many of the people who want others disarmed, want to be exempted from gun bans.


Good post. I'm amazed at the number of people hoodwinked by sensationalist media and so willing to give up their right (and responsibility) for self defense.



To follow up in agreement with you, there are studies done looking at various constabularies within the United Kingdom which also disprove the "more guns equals more crime" meme. Quoting from JOYCE LEE MALCOLM, GUNS AND VIOLENCE: THE ENGLISH EXPERIENCE 204

"Indeed, “data on fire‐arms ownership by constabulary area in England,” like data
from the United States, show “a negative correlation,” that is,
“where firearms are most dense violent crime rates are lowest,
and where guns are least dense violent crime rates are high‐

and from:

Hans Toch & Alan J. Lizotte, Research and Policy: The Case for Gun Control, in
PSYCHOLOGY & SOCIAL POLICY 223, 232 (Peter Suedfeld & Philip E. Tetlock eds.,
“[T]he fact that national patterns show little violent
crime where guns are most dense implies that guns do not elicit aggression in any
meaningful way. . . . Quite the contrary, these findings suggest that high saturations
of guns in places, or something correlated with that condition, inhibit illegal aggression.”

Then there is the paper


which also shows the negative correlation of gun ownership with violent crime, and examines the social factors which do show correlation.

As you mentioned there are numerous other studies by professors of criminology like those by Dr. John Lott and Gary Kleck. These men were surprised by the results of their studies which show that when citizens are legally allowed to carry concealed handguns, the rates of violent crime decrease.
Also, citizens who are licensed to carry concealed handguns rarely misuse their weapons or get into trouble with them.

I think that people like lilactime2014 have likely been exposed to the urban myths about guns, and propaganda commonly promoted via television news, but have not heard of the studies.
For decades, much of the world believed the Soviet propaganda that America had the highest murder rate in the world. Like other disinformation campaigns, once believed, it is difficult for people to unlearn.

Leftists in America learned the power of disinformation campaigns. In 1995 a story hit the news that racists in the American South were burning down black churches. President Clinton even signed a new law making it a federal crime to commit arson at a black church. The story went around the world, and to this day, polls show that people believe America is a very racist country. (Presently "Black Lives Matter" and the liberal news agencies are furthering this idea, though the facts do not support their claims.)

What nobody knew was that it was a disinformation campaign. Firefighters gathered the statistics on church burnings and found that instead, there had been a steady decline of church fires during the years in question. Furthermore there had been NO cases of arson of black churches in the south. None.
Yet, the damage was already done. And for political reasons, news about the truth about church fires never received the coverage that the myth did.

It is the same with the facts about gun ownership. Gun control advocates have long promoted fictitious statistics concerning shootings within the home, (including the myth that you are far more likely to be shot with your own gun than to defend yourself with it). The random shootings, the mass shootings, etc. almost always happen in gun controlled regions. And most of the gun murders involve gangs or other criminal elements, usually in cities with strict gun control.

The psychological paper referenced indicates guns are not the problem. The availability of guns does not lead to increased aggression. In fact there is a negative correlation. Either the availability of guns, or something associated with their availability, leads to decreased aggression.

In short, the safest places to live are those where citizens enjoy the legal right to be armed.


Always some idiot trying bring politics into it. You don't know what would have happened so just take that and stuff it.

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety


Nonsense. America has like 1000 times more perps, and not a single one gets gunned down by civilians.


In the US the perp would be blown away

Thats pobably the most american thing you could say. "blown away" such an awesome solution. And did you miss the fact that the police is armed here as well?

We see on a daily basis how secure america is with all its guns. Great country were a big proportion of gun related violence is based in accidents.

...but they hung him anyway.
Hanged, Ami. Your father was not a tapestry.
