MovieChat Forums > Luther (2010) Discussion > If Luther is so bad...

If Luther is so bad...

Please give me some suggestions for shows I should be watching instead.


I like Luther.

Other great shows... Well

Carnivale ?

The Wire ?

The Sopranos ?

Firefly ?

Breaking Bad ?

Monthy Python Flying Circus ?


I like Luther, too.

Thank you for the suggestions :)


Watch The Shield.

I don't like the way blood money spends.


listen to this guy, The Shield is the best show from the last decade and maybe all time, I haven't seen Sopranos or The Wire yet but I'm pretty sure they don't top The Shield's seven seasons arc, specially the ending.


The Shield is the best show from the last decade and maybe all time

that is for sure!

It certainly is my all time favorite.

7 years after the finale, I still sometimes think about it.

There is a big, huge discussion about which is best, The Shield or the wire

Let's say they are both football player:

The Shield is Messi, Pele, Maradona, Garrincha, Beckenbauer, etc

the wire is ... David Beckham without his dead ball skills

but the wire fanboys, they are all PC blind followers, so don't waste your time discussing with them

also, the midia loves the wire because one of the main caracters is a ##got, and you know that whatever the midia says is gold to some (a lot, most) people


I like the Shield very much. A very dynamic show.

The Wire is slow. I couldn't watch it after The shield.

But this 'slowness', when you used to it, has its own merits.

Wery good character développement, and great story construction.


The Shield is one of the greatest TV shows ever made, and it is CRIMINALLY OVERLOOKED by all the "hip intellectuals" who would have us watch The Wire instead! I watched them both, and The Shield makes The Wire look like a home video from You've Been Framed! And it makes Luther look like a series of bloopers from You've Been Framed! This show should really have been seen by a whole lot more people....tragic shame really!


"Okay, family meeting".


"No man yet found drinks his tea blacker"


Seriously. Most chilling line ever.


The Shield and The Wire are both excellent shows that are worth watching. There's no reason to argue that one show is objectively better than the other when the only similarity they share is that they're centered around cops. They're telling two very different stories in two very different ways--apples and oranges.

I do share your frustration that Michael Chiklis never got the widespread recognition he deserved for helping popularize the TV anti-hero. There would be no Donald Draper or Walter White if Tony Soprano and Vic Mackey didn't pave the way first.



No, The Wire is a damn good show that steadily gathered its followers over time simply because it is just that damn good of a show,plain and simple. . Claiming people only like it because it's "PC" is just plain bull****. Why does a show have to be "PC" simply because it has non-white characters in it? We exist in real life, dear---black people and other people of color are not just some "PC" figures on a show. The Shield took a little while to grow on me because I couldn't stand its shaky-cam scenes, but once I finally got into it, I got hooked on it for certain, with its compelling characters.

also, the midia loves the wire because one of the main characters is a ##got, and you know that whatever the midia says is gold to some (a lot, most) people

What a stupid, ignorant statement (it's spelled the "media", duh) plus you obviously can't spell worth a damn. So in other words, you're basically saying The Wire isn't worth watching just because it has a mostly black cast, and one of the main characters is gay? Just shut up, quit whining, and watch something else then. Just another fool who can't stand the rare TV show that dosen't have white people in the forefront---get the hell over yourself, please.

And both shows are excellent---I don't know why people act as if more than one good show can't exist in the same universe--that's so ridiculous and stupid in itself. There's more than enough room for any good decent show.


and you are a bigot, a fool and should not be allowed to communicate with other mammals.

Back to the subject: The Shield is brilliant, as is the Wire. Watch both.



the wire is ... David Beckham without his dead ball skills

but the wire fanboys, they are all PC blind followers, so don't waste your time discussing with them

also, the midia loves the wire because one of the main caracters is a ##got, and you know that whatever the midia says is gold to some (a lot, most) people

Honestly, you're an idiot. THE WIRE was simply one of the best shows ever made in the past 20 years. Being "PC" dosen' have jack to do with liking the show.I'm a woman, and I loved the show. Or maybe you don't like it since it had a majority black cast, along with a lesbian cop as one of the main character? Sure THE SHIELD was a good show in its own right (after it grew on me, I started really liking it after a while, and got hooked on that show,too) but it still couldn't hold a candle to THE WIRE, and that's the truth. And, no us WIRE fans didn't need the media to tell us how good of a show it was---we watched it, that's how we found out it was such a damn good show. Now shove off with your stupid homophobic and racist bull****.


I loved the Shield too... except for the ending which I thought was very disappointing.


it's the best ending on television, it ties the story perfectly, what did you not like about it?


The way he was just sitting there in that cubicle.. It's not the way I pictured Vic living out the rest of his life. I thought he was going to pull a gun out of his desk drawer and blow his brains out. I though the ending of Breaking Bad was fantastic though!


Nah, I admit that Breaking Bad had a great story, but it had too much fan service, they pretty much lost me when they had Mike killed by Walter, I think Vic was kept inside a different kind of prison, the one he hated the most, the one he mocked Dutch for the whole series, a desk.

It gives me some nostalgia every time I rewatch the scene, he looking at that big window, the picture of the only friend he didn't manage to screw up on his team, and basically having to accept the fate for his actions.


If you want a show with morally ambiguous police and cannibalism plots, then I strongly recommend Hannibal.


I think Luther is a pretty good series but I'll recommend some other series anyway:

1. The Wire
2. The Shield
3. Breaking Bad


"Luther" is my favorite series; after that "Damages" and "Dexter". Be sure to check both these out.


Southland is an underrated gem...

#The X-Files #Breaking Bad #Lost #Hannibal #Fringe #River #Utopia #Twin Peaks


Amen to that. There's really something visceral about this show and i'm always surprised to see how relatively unknown it remains. The opening credit is quite something. Riveting, gritty and sad at the same time. Michael Cudlitz and Regina King steal the show.

As for me, it has its place up there next to other giants such as The Wire and The Shield.

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs


Luther is great, try Hannibal and The Fall, they are a bit similar with the psychopath developing an obsession with the troubled law inforcement person they should kill but they refuse because they like them too much, they want to get closer to them.
The universe isn’t evil, John, it’s just indifferent.


Like this show.

Different from the others mentioned, but I like Happy Valley.


The Irish series on Hulu Love/Hate


I loved Luther and from the looks of it so did a good majority of the populace. From the first series to the last I thought it fit everything together real well and that this ended up being one of the most pivotal shows of Elba's career. This show helped him get the lead for the upcoming adaptation of Stephen King's "The Dark Tower". Which is going to make Elba filthy rich. Anyways if you enjoy police/detective shows/movies I recommend all the Jack Taylor movies. They are hands down some of the best Irish television to date. I just recently watched Cuffs as well and I thought that was pretty good. Happy Valley is another one I recommend. There is an actor in that show that seems to have some promise for a big career in the future if he plays his cards right. Hope that was helpful


Only one for me, Ray Donovan.

Best show on TV by a mile, Jon Voigt is top class, steals the show for me, there isn't a poor character in it.


Go live - nail your own hand to the desk, ask your neighbours to be that desk, wonder why the desk is now the star, end the series.

This show is crap, rubbish, awful.

"Nail his foot to the deck"

Mr Frampton, vis-a-vis your rump
