Not that I have seen this, but I never understood why one Mark Darcy with the face and the body of Colin Firth (💕 should go for a fat and average looking idiot like BJ in the first place. Incomprehensible.

And now, I admit, not Colin Firth, but a billionaire? Who buys this crap?

'Ne cherchez plus mon coeur, les bĂȘtes l'ont mangĂ©.' Baudelaire


??? She is not ugly and not fat, in my opinion.

I see lots of ugly women with hot guys and vice versa in real life on the metro, friends, etc. being together.
Couples come in all shapes, sizes, etc.


Colin Firth is not looking so good. He's old.

The question is not why a billionaire would be interested in her because she is average looking. She didn't have any really interesting trait, personality wise. May be she was awesome in bed.

The film is awful.


Typical Millennial attitude - a man of 55-56 is not old. But then, I can't wait till some of the *beep* born after 1980 are called old by those born in 2010. That will be a joy to behold - maybe that generation will have better attitudes.


People born after 1980 are not Millenials, are they? My kids were born long after that and they consider themselves Millenials. I think those born between 1980 and 1994 or so are "Gen Y."

I can't keep track of this crap....


I read a post that anyone after 80s was considered millennials. 84 here and I definitely do not feel like a millennial. I felt like Bridget and her boss lol


you are probably woman .....considering your picture.

lets just say that you love pancakes. and lets just say you win billion dollars. does it make you want and like some extreme food like archeopteryxes tongue or moles liver. NO. you still love pancakes.

same goes for the taste of your ideal partner. some like it thinner some fatter but in the end it always comes to personality. BJ is very cute woman (at least when portrayed by renee zellweger). has a good sense of humour. has funny ideas. she is kind of woman who you can love as a girlfriend and also as a friend. you just like her or not ......and THAT is exactly the matter of taste. like with everything else. so why is there even a question that how could mark darcy love BJ???? does anybodies position or clothing style mark who they are destined to like???? ......should i like only prostitutes when i like to wear casual? ......should i like only secretaries if i like to wear suit. should i like cartoon characters if i work as a donald duck in disneyland???????? .......

if you think that just money or position makes your taste change it tells more about you than it tells about men ...... you sound like bitter b.itch who is disappointed that other women get "better men". well ......look in the mirror. if you judge people like that .......you will also be judged .....
i would gladly have a relationship with a funny and cute woman like BJ - but i could not have a relationship with a bitter woman like you even if you had a supermodel looks. it is just as simple as that. looks are important for starters but then personality comes in ..........


You. I like you. :+)


Mole liver! LOL! You are a delightful man!


Keep Pushin that Cushin BABY!

Are you an SJW ? If so, please kill yourself immediately! Thanks
