Watched this film tonight, and was so pleased that the main baddie got his comeuppance. However, I was just wondering what the ending's significance was, when the husband went back into the kitchen, after calling the police, seemed to retch, and then lock stares with the seemingly inoffensive young boy.
I think the Dad just snapped & killed the young boy. They took a page out of "The Virgin Spring", where Max Von Sydow killed the young brother of his daughter's rapists/killers, even though he was an innocent who had nothing to do with it.
ctly what the father is going to do. I suppose one interpretation is that in a mad rage he kills the young innocent boy to avenge his own's son's death. I'm not sure it really matters. I see the presence of the boy as more symbolic of youthful innocence that becomes corruptedu recall, the television newscast the couple were listenting to had one story of senseless violence after another. I suppose that must have all seemed pretty distant to them until it came right into their own home. The parents were beaten. The mother was raped. The son was killed. And all for what? Because the son snitched. Pure senseless violence.
The boy is a reminder that all kids are innocent at some point but vulnerable to being corrupted by their environment. That's what happened to the kids that came into that home and that is what mostly likely will happen to the boy, too. So the father is faced with an untenable choice. He either kills the boy to save him from being corupted (ironically violence is necessary to save the boy from future violence) or he lets the boy and thereby subjects others to future violence by the boy when he becomes corrupted.
So the boy's future is literally in the father's hands, and that is a shocking and scary turn of events for both of them!
I thought it was kinda funny how easily the dad kicked all their asses at the end. why didn't he just do that in the beginning? what a waste of time watching this movie was.... also kinda sad that he only managed to kill one person, unless he also killed the boy. and what kind of sister leaves her brother in the house like that? the whole movie all I could think was how stupid those punks are. I don't know if they are meant to be that "Chav" thing or what. but they are all a bunch of morons. wish they all got slaughtered. if I made the movie, the whole tied up in their house thing would have only been the first part of the movie. open the movie with them eating dinner and then like 2 minutes into the film BAM! the door is kicked open and the guys come in. parents are tied up. then a few minutes later the son comes home. son is killed. punks run off. then the parents free themselves, grab some weapons and hunt down the punks. rest of the movie, is the punks being killed one by one by the parents
The dad couldn't kick their asses in the beginning because they got him by surprise. He only managed to beat them at the end because he escaped and got them by surprise as they did to him. And I'm pretty sure the movie you want to make has already been made dozens of times.