MovieChat Forums > Cherry Tree Lane (2013) Discussion > What a thoroughly nasty depressing exper...

What a thoroughly nasty depressing experience...

Whom the Gods would destroy, let them first call 'promising'...I saw this film today and was deeply disappointed. After the astonishing debut of London to Brighton I expected Paul Andrew Williams to push the envelope and build on his achievement, but what I got was a flaccid, badly acted TV drama, that even Eastenders outdoes every week...and that's rubbish.

Not content with a slow meaningless build-up, Williams inflicts thirty minutes of the worst racial and social stereotyping, that might have been palatable had it been done with any conviction or ulterior motive. But what developed was a clumsy, unnecessarily brutal story, driven by thin unsympathetic characters, and topped with an ultra violent and shoddy pay-off. Sometimes I think British cinema deserves all the punishment it gets.


I was somewhat disappointed as it went on, but my heart was actually racing by the end and I felt a little sick.

In a way, that redeemed the film for me as it managed to get such a strong reaction from me.

I think hes a talented man, and I'm looking forward to seeing what he does next. Its a shame this went almost straight to DVD (had a small release) while utter crap like ''F'' gets a larger theatrical release

"Flatly My Dear, I Don't Riverdance"


i liked it. just wish dad had an axe and split all their sculls at the end. now that would have been nice!

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy


Me2,ive never wanted to hit someone so much in my life as i did the lead kid. I'm running this monkey farm now frankenstein


More depressing than watching the film has been reading the comments about it on IMDB. So much baying for vengeful blood (see the "I hope he stabbed him" thread, for example), even though the whole film is about a self-destructive cycle of revenge and violence.

I admired the film's simplicity, the way it builds up expectation and tension, and it'll probably sit nicely alongside other contemporary thug horrors like Eden Lake in years to come, but the debate over whether these films pander to or critique a conservative, paranoid fantasy of have-a-go heroes and dumb, vicious teens remains to be settled. It seems that the former interpretation is the dominant one on this site.



the worst racial and social stereotyping,

Nevermind that such stereotypes more or less hold true as principles.


Exactly. For Progressives, a safe, comforting lie is vastly preferable to an uncomfortable truth. There are almost no exceptions.


