MovieChat Forums > Columbo (1971) Discussion > What are your absolute favourite episode...

What are your absolute favourite episodes

For me the finest one is the Patrick McGoohan/Leslie Nielsen one, Identity Crisis. Maybe it's the use of Madame Butterfly but I love this character. Geronimo! and his speaking his servant's native language. And Leslie's hilarity at the cigarette machine. And so much more.

Almost tied with this is Swan Song, with Johnny Cash. Anyone who sings like that cannot be all bad, as Columbo said. The parachute thing - not an overdone plot device. This had true suspense plus the amazing Johnny Cash as a sympathetic villain.

Close to these are William Shatner's and Robert Culp's episodes - all of them, because they are just such hilarious, over the top, magnificent, egotistical villains.

Yes I also appreciate many, many others but these stand out for me.


Murder Under Glass is the top pick for my husband and me. The last scene with Columbo and Paul Girard cooking and we find out about switching wine openers and glasses is great. My other personal favorite is Try and Catch Me, I think Ruth Gordon is amusing. We really like all of them, although Forgotten Lady is so sad because of Janet Leigh's character.


Try and Catch Me is one of my favorites. There's an exchange in there I've never forgotten:

COLUMBO: "That must have been very hard losing someone you love like that. I've been very lucky. I've lost my parents, that's the way of the world. But to lose someone that young, that's like being cheated.That's very hard."

MITCHELL: "I'm beginning to be very fond of you, Lieutenant. I think you're a very kind man."

COLUMBO: "Don't count on that, Miss Mitchell. Don't count on it."


Here are the episodes Peter Falk mentioned:

*Any Old Port in a Storm
*Forgotten Lady
*Now You See Him...
*Identity Crisis

As for me, I like the Jack Cassidy ones, Any Old Port, An Exercise in Fatality, Mind Over Mayhem, A Friend in Deed (probably my favorite gotcha, these are MY socks, this is MY underwear), Blueprint for Murder, Short Fuse, Lady in Waiting, The Most Crucial Game

Not so easy to narrow down to two or three episodes!


Any Old Port in a Storm is probably my very favourite episode. I also like identity Crisis very much, and Short Fuse. The bye bye Sky high I.Q. Murder, How to Dial a Murder, Murder under Glass, fade in to Murder Stitch in Crime, are other favourites.


Watching "Any Port in a Storm" right now.... Gotta love the Carcini Brothers!!! Also love "Murder, a Self Portrait". My son loves "Murder, Smoke and Shadows" and just saw it on the Telly in the UK.


My personal favorite is STITCH IN CRIME. It has so many layers, and Nimoy is the perfect villain. Then the Spielberg classic MURDER BY THE BOOK. Then ETUDE IN BLACK. Then FORGOTTEN LADY. Then one episode that no one mentions much... shoot... forget the name... But the cruise ship one with Robert Vaughn.

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I think that's Troubled waters - yes, that's one I like too. I like Columbo always looking for his wife all over the ship.


Columbo Cries Wolf


Wait a minute... who am I here?


Can't really say, but the first pilot will always stand out for me. While not yet perfectly nailing the character all the key elements are there, but he's much more aggressive in the way he approaches case and people than he later tends to be. A real blast and perfect match to that autocratic egomaniac that's so wonderfully given by Gene Barry.

He looks awesome, too, with that short hair. Alert. Keen. Uncompromising in his resolve to not only bring the guy to justice but to clearly demonstrate to him that he's not as clever as he believes he is, too.

Great opening to a great series.


My favorite and my absolute favorite are the same: A Friend In Deed.


1. Lady in Waiting
2. Try and Catch Me
3. Murder by the Book
4. Lovely, but Lethal
5. A Stitch in Crime
6. Ransom for a Dead Man
7. A Friend in Deed
8. Double Exposure
9. Make Me a Perfect Murder
10. Any Old Port in a Storm
