MovieChat Forums > Columbo (1971) Discussion > If there was no Mrs. Columbo

If there was no Mrs. Columbo

A lot of people have theorized about what if Mrs. Columbo didn't actually exist and Columbo just made all of that up? If that were the case, which episode do you think becomes the most awkward from Columbo's point of explanation?

Murder in Malibu, when he says the dead woman wears the same panties as his wife, and he demonstrates on the mannequin at the underwear section how if the tag was on the right side of the panties instead of the left, it meant they were put on backwards. If he didn't have a wife who wore the same kind of underwear, how would he have known that?


Rest in Peace, Mrs. Columbo
Identity Crisis


Mrs columbo does exist. in 'troubled waters' it is made clear that other people have seen Mrs Columbo as well.


She existed, but I'm sure most of whatever Columbo claims she said or did, including who she was a fan of, was just...poppycock.


Mrs columbo does exist. in 'troubled waters' it is made clear that other people have seen Mrs Columbo as well.

Yes I was goung to say this episode too. He talks to her on the phone. Now he goes the entire cruise without her making an appearance, but unless he is crazy, he def was talking to her on the phone and he was asking the crew about her.


yes, and the crew talk to Columbo as if they have seen her too. So unless we are meant to believe that the crew are humouring a crazy man (which i don't think we are) I think we can take it that mrs Columbo does exist.


Yes good call on the crew talking to him about her. I was actually watching it as I was typing and hadn't got to that part. I almost added in what you said after I finished the episode so I am glad you did. I had DVRed last nights episode and was watching it as I was on here.


