MovieChat Forums > Tucker and Dale vs Evil (2010) Discussion > did anyone else rewind the woodchipper s...

did anyone else rewind the woodchipper scene?

Where the brave college kid lunges at Tucker and misses? I just had to laugh at that, I rewatched it five times. It's like an old slapstick comedy bit, with a horror twist. This movie was a pleasant surprise, funny and gory at the same time.


Rewinded then found it on YT & downloaded it. 

Ignoring politics doesn't mean politics will ignore you.
-Pericles paraphrased in <100 characters


That was a funny movie. I snickered the whole way through. Thank you Netflix for having this.


Yeah it was kinda funny. Reminded me of the wood chipper scene in Fargo. But it was very improbable. The kid would have had to be launched by a cannon to fly over him like that.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


best part of the movie

so many movies, so little time


Kid in my neighborhood got pulled into a wood chipper on his first day of work. I didn't get to see it but I know people that did. Sounds so awesome!!


oh my goodness yes!! It was just absurd the way it happened, but it was quite entertaining.


That bit was hilarious. Probably the best scene in the movie.
