People and dating now suck! Wtf?
Somehow I get the impression that the majority of people liking this would be younger that 35. Is this a real accurate depiction of modern day courtship? What a pretentious, phony stupid society we now live in. All these headstrong precocious women and pathetic feminized excuses of men...yuck! I feel hopeless living here. I hope it's still like it was back in the 70's and 80's in other parts of the world. Because if it's not, well I've travelled enough to get the impression that it still is more like the 80's in other places. I haven't watched all the movie yet. I'm holding out hope I can work up the gumption to finish it within 48 hours, since I rented it. Yeah, I don't think I much like this movie, even though the beginning intrigued me.