MovieChat Forums > Cat Person (2023) Discussion > Tense and thought provoking look at mode...

Tense and thought provoking look at modern dating landscape and anxiety

I am not a woman and I am not in the young age range to personally relate to the kinds of dating and hookup stuff portrayed in this movie, but it does a very good job reflecting especially the female anxieties of meeting someone new and wondering if this is a guy who might be fun to spend time with or is he someone who can be dangerous - not in a fun way.

There are some scenes that are unreliable narrator tricks to mess with the viewer, and a couple of stereotyped characters - but these don't weigh down this film. There are some scenes that really drive home the dread and fear that a young girl faces when they are the subject of a man's turbulent emotions.

There will be people who criticize this movie as a man-hating feminist propaganda or such. See beyond that simple knee-jerk reaction and give this a look.
