Is this a book?
If so, how do the following Lorian rules work?
They can only be killed in order. Did I understand that correctly? So how does that work? Let's say they stumble upon number 5 someone, but they haven't found and killed number 4 yet, they shoot him, they stab him with that sword, they let those huge beast attack him/her and try to chew up in their huge moths. What happens, does some force field show up and block everything, is their DNA like Titanium? Do they heal like Wolverine? How can they not be hurt?
Secondly, they love one person forever. How does that play out exactly? What if the one they love has any affair on them, or falls in love with someone else and leaves them? Can't they find someone else eventually or are they stuck being alone forever because they can only be in a relationship with that one person who's left them. Or can they be with others..........they'll just never have the "love" feelings for them because they were used up on that one and only person?
How did the book elaborate on these rules or explain them?
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