I've actually SEEN the movie last night-My thoughts
I shall even divide this up into "The Good" and "The Bad."
The Good
-Brandon T. Jackson. He wasn't as bad as I thought he would be actually. He did the best he could with the script given to him, and him and Martin did have father-son chemistry. I did think he played the role of Martin's sidekick very well. That, and his character actually didn't turn out be as cliche-ish as I thought it would be. Not bad on this part.
-The casting. The casting in general I thought was pretty solid, like the other two films. The love interest for Brandon T. Jackson was pretty nice and cute. And Fazion Love was hilarious.
-There was some funny parts here and there. It was nice to see Martin back again. Ofcourse Martin is gonna bring some of the funny in almost every movie that he is in.
Alright, now The Bad
-With that being said about Martin, the comedy in all in this movie did fall flat compared to the previous two. I would even say Big Momma's House 2(which I saw in theaters when it first came out also) was way funnier than this one. A lot of the jokes did fall flat. Kinda found myself even somewhat forcing myself to laugh at times.
-The plot was OK, but lagging at times. There's still some holes and questions I even have at the end of the movie. If Helen(that's her name?) was the one who took the box, why was the other girl's necklace there?. The script really is what sucked. I can tell again both Martin and Brandon was trying their best with what they had to use.
-The random break out of songs. I get this had SOMEWHAT something to do with the subplots of the movie. But honestly, couldn't decide whether this was Big Momma's House, or Fame 2011/High School Musical. It was VERY awkward whenever they would break out in song or whatever. I see the current Disney/Musical generation must have gotten to the writers and put it in in order for the movie to stay "fresh" and "hip".
-The ONLY problem I had with Brandon T Jackson is, he looked WAYYY to old to play a 17 year old. And I'm not usually one who has this complaint about actors ages comparing to the ages of the character they play(for instance, the only reason I watch 90210 is for Teddy, and that's Trever Donovan a 32 year old playing a senior in high school). HOWEVER, because of the TYPE of character he was playing moreso than this and the fact that he was by Martin(who in real life I doubt is barely old enough to be his father) it actually did bug me some at first. Didn't even realize Brandon T Jackson looked that old now since I remember him from when he was on Wild n Out.
All in all, I give it 4/10. Could've spent a lot more time working on the script and the comedic elements as well as some of the story, and the random music parts they couldn't kept to themselves.