Biggest plot hole in film history?


The characters are chasing down a flash drive with evidence on it to put Chirkoff away. But Trent witnesses Chirkoff committing murder, which would be sufficient for a conviction, thereby negating the search for the flash drive.

Also, the "music box" didn't play music when opened. :D


How is that a plothole?


can't outrun your own shadow


because.. thats not how the law works. think about it, i could easily say that I saw you commit a murder, that doesnt mean that you are gonna be arrested by the end of the day. they still had to get PROOF, otherwise its just his word against theirs. that's where the music box and flash drive come in.


"Your word against theirs"? In a murder accusation?

So you think an eyewitness account and a dead body would be ignored by police if the murderer denied it?


yes. do you really think he just left the body laying on the concrete.... obviously they "Disposed" of the body. while they probably would have arrested him if they accused him of murder, he was powerful enough to probably get bail because of lack of proof.


Malcolm wanted the flash drive because it held enough dirt to put Chirkoff and his gang away for good.

The last thing Malcolm wanted was to involve Trent in his work, so even though the boy witnessed a murder, it wouldn't be worth it for Trent to testify in an open courtroom and then Chirkoff beats the murder rap like everything else in his past. They needed the flash drive.


How do you beat murder in the first degree with an eye witness that was 5 feet away?

I mean, let's be real here.


Had they taken that route in the storyline, I'm guessing there would've been a payoff or some witness intimidation to throw the case. The movie doesn't give much backstory, but you can assume that Chirkoff is that type of character.


Who cares about plot-holes? Can we all just agree that the movie was terrible. The fact they've created 3 of them, in its own right, should be a criminal offence.

This isn't part of my post, just my signature. Annoying?



The last thing Malcolm wanted was to involve Trent in his work

Then why did he make him go undercover as well?


If one witness claims someone killed someone else, but the person being accused can get a bunch of people to claim he was with them during that time the police would need more evidence.

Have you watched any Law & Order or NCIS or other cop shows? They always need more than a simple eye witness. An Eye Witness might be enough to get a search warrant if they find the right judge. But they need actual evidence.

Plus if it does go to court, the defense attorney will drag the witness through the mud to discredit them.

Come visit my


If a false alibi was enough to beat a murder charge, why are people still being convicted of murder?

In the Georgia shooting of a ten-month old baby, the only witness was the mother. The suspect in the case had a false alibi given by his aunt, and not only is he still in custody, she was also arrested for lying to police.

So no, simply "having people say you weren't there", isn't enough to beat a murder charge. Admittedly, I'm not sure if it works on TV cop shows or not, I don't watch them.
