Anthony Ingruber

Anthony Ingruber, famous for his Harrison Ford impressions and for playing young Harrison once, has a small role in the film and is shown in the trailer.

What I haven't seen anyone comment on is that the scene at 0.23 in the trailer with young Indy looks like Anthony with young Harrison deepfaked on top. The smile and back of the head look "off" for Harrison. It would make sense why Anthony was hired.



Possible that they used him as a stand in, but thats not what he wanted to do. As Stand-In you are basically a nothing or do you remember Ingvild Deila? Or Guy Henry? Or Max Lloyd-Jones? There are many motion capture artists, but only a handful is known to people. I even know more actors who were the mocap artists for video games as for movies (Andy Serkis and Alan Tudyk, Sean Gunns career is basically his brother)


That’s true. I’m assuming Anthony was contacted by whoever is making the film, not that he auditioned specifically to be a double.

I wonder if they show him in the trailer to throw people off from his real role.


He is not yet listed on IMDB, even with uncredited roles. So maybe its just an actor looking very similar to him. Also there is no real reason to hide him or to show him off in the trailer.
But yeah, well possible that he played two roles in the movie. I have to admit that the train scene more looks the overacting of Ingruber from his Han Solo send in then what Harrison Ford usually doing. But maybe its just bad CGI. But there is likely no need to have Ingruber for the New York shootings around, except he also is his horse ride stand in, which I would rather see with a normal stunt person.
