“i miss the eighties..

i miss better script writing, i miss less cgi”

i almost teared up when sala said that line.


you will always have those films just rewatch also Williow and Recent Star Wars films The Sequel Trilogy and Both Standaloones have relied on practical effects the script has been good still but having a progressive lense is important why do having minority characters yes that includes women = Bad screen Writing stop being a Bigoted POS


"Recent Star Wars films The Sequel Trilogy and Both Standaloones have relied on practical effects"
Really(?) Cos I saw TONS of CGI in all five of them, strangely enough.


Proper capitalization, punctuation, grammar, editing, and clearly thinking out your ideas before you begin typing will make what you have to say much more coherent.


Not my fault don't have the full version of Grammarly Quit harassing me


I miss films that didn't push SJW politics


You ain't the only one, brother.


everyone deserves a voice quit using that as a shield everyone deserves a seat at the table like everyone does on screen
