Grandpa Harrison, Disney and no Spielberg
Yyyyeah I'll pass
shareHarrison is old, so that I get, but Disney and Spielberg criticism? Are you not familiar with their work, LOL?
shareAre you not familiar with how Disney has ruined Star Wars?
And BTW, he's criticizing that Spielberg is NOT directing.
Ruined star wars? How ? Most of the movies were recieved well , the tv series are great , made a ton of money , not sure how you think there ruined
shareThey made a ton of money but the father from the hype we get, the more people are questioning how good they were.
Force Awakens was derivative and boring. Last Jedi was disjointed, contained multiple plot holes, was full of politics, and was disrespectful to the original trilogy. And Rise of Skywalker was clearly JJ Abrams just trying to pick up the pieces after was Johnson did.
Even if you disregard all the politics and wokery and the evaluate the films by the conventional filmmaking rubric, they're not very good. JJ even admitted recently that Disney had no real plan or vision for the trilogy.
Spielberg did no favors to the third film. Mangold is a very good director, so a change behind the camera may be what's necessary to avoid another Indy disaster.
The Disney part is very troubling though, I agree.