MovieChat Forums > Letters to God (2010) Discussion > going to bawl like a baby

going to bawl like a baby

this looks like such a heart breaking movie but yet good


I'm not that interested cause my friend had a scare like this in real life. I'm glad she made it out okay, but her new found faith in her religion can be a bit overbearing at times. It's too bad something as dramatic as this can cause people to become superstitious. She was an amazing person before cancer and after cancer, but not herself anymore. So if the moral of this movie is 'God gives you cancer to test your faith', then I don't support that.


Brother God don't give cancer. We are in a broken world with disease. Now that she has chosen life, that is a grand thing. Because one day, for ever, no more tears, no more suffering, no more pain.

Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley



The Earth, Eden was perfect, but as you know, we Humans screw things up. How, through sin choices. Examples, war, famine, poverty, perversions, greed, pride, twisted thoughts and ideology.

Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley



People choose to create famine. You really don't think a person would choose that do you? How do they, ever hear of strip farming? Lack of water sources built such as dams, reservoirs.

Once again, God created the perfect environment, woman, then man, choose to disrupt that.
Because He has foreknowledge, God created a Redeemer to mend what humans choose to destroy. Now how many times have we seen that happen? Millions.
God wants the best for us. he loves us. Would you choose to kill your baby just because it had aids? Of course not. If you loved your child, you would try to help any way you could.
God only creates the opportunity for evil. Humans choose evil or good. This is Free Will, a gift. And how many times do we see woman and men choose evil-millions.
God is pure. God is love. God is truth. God is light. God is wisdom. God is merciful and good.
If you study, you will be shone, with a changed mind and heart.

Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley


People choose to create famine. You really don't think a person would choose that do you? How do they, ever hear of strip farming? Lack of water sources built such as dams, reservoirs.

Well, that explains why Africa is such a thriving continent. Obviously, the people have just chosen to create famine for themselves.

Once again, God created the perfect environment, woman, then man, choose to disrupt that.
Because He has foreknowledge, God created a Redeemer to mend what humans choose to destroy. Now how many times have we seen that happen? Millions.

See, this is why this story makes no sense. Instead of merely removing the fruit tree (knowing his creations would fail), he left it there (knowing they would fail) and made sure to banish them afterwards (even though he knew they would fail).

If he is all powerful, and all loving, we would not be in this mess. Why? Because a god that powerful and loving, wouldn't allow it.

God wants the best for us. he loves us. Would you choose to kill your baby just because it had aids? Of course not. If you loved your child, you would try to help any way you could.

...What? He wants the best, but he set us up to fail, and to be born into sin, unless we accept the legend that he sent himself to die (which lessens the sacrifice, because... he didn't die.) for us, after setting us up to fail in the first place. Honestly?

God only creates the opportunity for evil. Humans choose evil or good. This is Free Will, a gift. And how many times do we see woman and men choose evil-millions.

And you see nothing wrong with an all loving god creating evil? Knowing we would choose it?


Me: I know you're thirsty. Want some water?
You: Please.
Me: [to myself] I have two pitchers. One has clean, crisp water. The other is poison. Why should I bother with the poison one?
Me: [to you] Have some water.

Does this remove free will? No. Because the choice never exists to you in the first place. And besides. It's not free will when you're entire life is already planned out and programmed into your (for lack of a better word) 'destiny' at conception.

God is pure. God is love. God is truth. God is light. God is wisdom. God is merciful and good.

Only in the New Testament. And only if you follow all his rules and regulations. Lots of red tape to go through.

If you study, you will be shone, with a changed mind and heart.

I will be shone on what? Shown? Do yourself a favor, and take the questions I posed to you earlier, and quote them, like I have with this post. And then answer them one by one.

While you're at it, justify the violence of the old testament. Justify why amputees are never healed. Justify why children in Africa die everyday of starvation and AIDS. These same children who pray and beg for life, only to have their prayers unanswered.

When you actually consider the problem of evil -and I mean actually use your brain and think about it- let me know.

In the meantime:

"Live a good life. For if a god exists, and he is good and just, he will not care whether you believed or not, but that you were virtuous. If this god is evil, then you should not want to worship him. If he does not exist, then take comfort in the thought that your deeds will be remembered long after death.'

I'm paraphrasing, but you get the idea.

Wanna get laid?
Crawl up a chicken's ass and wait.


Well, that explains why Africa is such a thriving continent. Obviously, the people have just chosen to create famine for themselves--
You missed the point

See, this is why this story makes no sense. Instead of merely removing the fruit tree (knowing his creations would fail), he left it there (knowing they would fail) and made sure to banish them afterwards (even though he knew they would fail).

If he is all powerful, and all loving, we would not be in this mess. Why? Because a god that powerful and loving, wouldn't allow it.--
Just look at the history. Events happen for a reason. And, your stating your opinion. As you said, He is omnipotent. Add, omniscient. How can we know His ways? He is Spirit. He is God.

Once again, God created the perfect environment, woman, then man, choose to disrupt that.
Because He has foreknowledge, God created a Redeemer to mend what humans choose to destroy. Now how many times have we seen that happen? Millions.---
Your still missing the point.

No, you still are missing major points. Sorry. I have studied and been indwelt for many years. Limited Human logic will never explain an all powerfull, all knowing God.

Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley


So, in other words:

I don't know. Stop asking me hard questions. Pity. You seemed different.

You don't have to apologize to me. Only to yourself. Limiting yourself to an ancient belief instead of looking at the world around you for what it is? You have only yourself to apologize to.

Do try and answer those questions though. Not to me, because I don't argue with people too blind to see. Circles make my head hurt.

And as such, this is my last post to you. I appreciate the material though.

Good luck in life dear...

Wanna get laid?
Crawl up a chicken's ass and wait.


The questions that you asked are pretty basic, from a Christian Apologetics point of view, obviously you're not the first to ask these questions. There are plenty of resources that can answer your questions and many more... It's good that you ask, you'll find answers, I'm sure. For now I could give you a few links, a simple google search could reveal even more:


I appreciate your links, however they only reinforce my point. These questions are unanswerable, at least without opening up a whole mess of other questions.

The problem of evil, Epicurus' questions, Pascals Wager, Occams Razor, etc.

Thanks. Take care. I can't respond for the next little while, so I doubt we'll speak again.

Wanna get laid?
Crawl up a chicken's ass and wait.


p samantha,

Most of the issues you outlined in your previous posts have been dealt with by philosophers; ie Augustine, Aquinas, Bonaventure, Descartes (although his work is pretty much entirely based on the others), etc.

As for calling it an ancient belief in an attempt to make it seem obsolete is kind of silly if you consider that most of good modern philosophy is a foot note to Plato; and we owe the some of our most fundamental mathematics to the greeks!

Have you ever considered that evil is of human descent? I would consider evil to be objectification, for that is the root of most problems, when we objectify others for personal gain. Yet that's exactly what Genesis holds "They saw each other and realized they were naked, felt shame (adam and eve, horrible paraphrasing on my part btw)" Of course if you believe that the bible is simply silly stories and not what it actually is: an allegorical argument to moral laws and the nature of the first cause, then I suppose that arguments moot. But perhaps we can concede that evil is or is cause by our objectifying others.

To note I am a christian, I've studied philosophy while pursing my degree in Theoretical Physics, I believe in Evolution and I strongly disagree with any fundamental doctrines. I used to be agnostic untill I actually studied philosophical theology instead of assuming the bible was just made up stories. I've always believed Jesus existed as a real person and even in my agnostic days I respected him as a brilliant philosopher (read Luke!).

Finally I've always rejected Atheism because it is too closely tied in with Materialism; a doctrine (Materialism) which I think is of the worst kind, completely Nihilistic and logically incoherent.


Why call Him God?

You are asking the wrong question

The freedom to choose Him comes with the freedom to choose evil. And with that freedom comes everything else that exists in a fallen world. The love between God and those that have overcome evil and have chosen Him is a very great thing, indeed.

But we have turned aside from the way of the Lord so many times.

So the real question is "Why would God love us who have not loved Him?" -because God is the holy lover

Brethren, my heart's desire and my prayer to God for them is for their salvation. Acts 10:1


Yes, saw it tonight. Take a box of tissues. Also go see 'To Save a Life.' God bless.

Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley


Thank you for standing up for God. I wish there were people like you on other IMDB boards. God bless you.

I believe one of the reasons there is famine is because of the curse. Doesn't the bible say the whole world groans under the curse? Which I believe would mean there is famine because the earth is also under the curse.


If you mean a famine for the Word of God, yes. We are in the time of them calling good evil and evil good. A lot of twisting going on. That why it is so important to know the Word of God.

Amos 8:11-12 (NASB)

11"Behold, days are coming," declares the Lord GOD,
"When I will send a famine on the land,
Not a famine for bread or a thirst for water,
But rather (A)for hearing the words of the LORD.
12"People will stagger from sea to sea
And from the north even to the east;
They will go to and fro to (B)seek the word of the LORD,
But they will not find it.

Cross references:

1. Amos 8:11 : 1 Sam 3:1; 2 Chr 15:3; Ps 74:9; Ezek 7:26; Mic 3:6
2. Amos 8:12 : Ezek 20:3, 31

Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley
