I don't think it' so much the religion itself that turns away some people but it's the arrogant hypocritical attitude most, not all, but most christians have. Looking down on non-believers while sinning like hell! lol
well it isnt about how the other christians act. it is about your life. sure some "christians" are hypocrites, but so is 75% of the world. it is up to you how you live your life and whether or not you want to go to heaven. let God judge the hypocrites.
i am talking about you, how it seems that you dont want to become a christian because of you perception of the christians you know. there are alot of "christians" who just go through the motions and dont really live a christian life. I used to not want to become a christian because i was afraid of what i had to "give up" and i didnt want to become a boring christian. but i soon realized that I would gain far more than i would be losing. and i knew of christian men that i considered "cool" and they were cool and always happy, and i realized that i could be like that too. accepting Jesus as your savior doesnt make your life perfect, but it sure does help make your journey alot less bumpy.
i soon realized that I would gain far more than i would be losing
That is exactly how i felt when i left my childish christian belief, and the shackles of bronze age mythology, behind and entered a state of reason and logic.
Freedom from religion is freedom from opression. For those of us who prefer to live in reality, instead of hebrew fairy-tale land, there is atheism.
I'm not trying to be rude, I just have a question. I've heard a lot of people say that the Christian faith is "childish" and "immature", etc. Can you explain? I'm just curious!
I have never ever said to anyone that their belief is immature. But i do think that anyone who grew up in a christian home, was indoctrinated by their parents and never, even as an adult, grew sceptical of god is like someone never growing sceptical of the existance of santa claus or the tooth fairy. It's like holding on to a security blanket that you're far to old for.
In some cases the security blanket is probably reasonable. I'm quite certain my brother would take his own life if he ever lost his faith. BUT... if he hadn't been spoon-fed christianity from the day he was born he probably wouldn't have needed the security blanket of faith in the first place.
What are you losing to become a Christian? Maybe you're losing negative things in your life? The point is that we can live an abundant life. God knows you're going to fall at times so God knows you're not perfect. God's will is for you to be faithful to His Word.
What would you be losing if you became a Buddhist? A Hindu? A Muslim? You're operating under the assumption that Christianity is "right", and he is obviously not, so your question is immaterial. I find it kind of insulting when people ask me that, actually, as if they're suggesting Pascal's Wager isn't a total load of garbage or conscious intellectual suicide.
God knows you're going to fall at times so God knows you're not perfect.
Sure he knows that. Unfortunately, that didn't help the hundreds of thousands of people he slaughtered in the old testament, and it certainly won't help the countless number of people he's supposed to send to eternal torture.
God's will is for you to be faithful to His Word.
Astonishing how you know the will of a god who is supposedly beyond all hopes of human comprehension. Well, My Will is for all people to stop assuming that their holy books were divinely inspired when there's really no reason at all to believe something like that (see, I capitalized "my" and "will", does that mean you'll start trying to live by what I say, too?)
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I gotta laugh at people who call atheism reality and Christianity childish fairy lands. lol Frankly, it's just funny to me. They complain about Christians being arrogant and then they go around acting like they are all better than Christians. And they call Christians hypocrites? lol
I could say the same thing about atheism that the OP says about Christianity. Atheists are arrogant and hypocritical, least the ones I've met. They also seem very angry. So I guess that's one more reason to not be an atheist.(Although the illogical nature of being an atheist is more than enough for me.)
Then of course, yet again, these "enlightened" atheists go into Christian movie forums to "remind" us how enlightened they are. lol Gosh, they sound like fundamentalists. I half expect to get a knock on my door from atheists trying to win converts. __ Writing is my favorite hobby. Writing something that many can enjoy is my favorite dream.
That's exactly it. People try to make Christianity sound stupid and childish by saying that it's "all fairytale-ish and make believe". But in reality, you can make pretty much anything sound stupid. Like I could make evolution sound stupid if I wanted to. Its just a choice of wording.
One does not have to use any particular wording to make christianity sound stupid. All one have to do is read the bible.
As for evolution, sure. Anything can be made to sound stupid. The difference is that evolution is a fact. Common sense may not tell you so, but common sense gets owned by science every time.
I would be very interested to hear what exactly is illogical about being an Atheist? Being a Christian takes faith, while I think faith is a good thing it is inherently not logical. Atheists follow science and observation and would need hard proof to show the existence of God before they would believe. That would be an approach utilizing logic. I am not saying either are right or wrong, I believe both have the place and both legitimacy.
Please Staw Hat Boy Luffy I would like you to explain exactly how Atheism is illogical?
Just for the record, it's a lot of fun to let these threads die by never replying to them. Especially since 80% of the time they're posted with the intention of getting people angry.
Yes, that page sure has a lot of non-answers, dodging and outright lies that should be obvious even to christians.
Lets just take two "excuses" as examples.
What about all the people in the world who never heard of Jesus?
Answer: What about you who have been given the grace to hear again and again and again yet you refuse to believe? What about you who have His written Word and access to countless materials that you could easily read and search out to find Him and what He is really saying to you? What about you who have access to teachers that have tried to teach you about Him yet you refuse? If God is gracious enough with you to continue reaching out to you, showing you His love through His people that you spurn, and giving you access to so much and blessing your life with all you need, won’t He also reach out to anyone in this world who cries out to Him and wants to know Him? Anyone anywhere who seeks Him He will reveal Himself to. And those who are not seeking Him, He is even yet reaching out to. He wishes that none should perish but all would come to know Him and His salvation.
Recap: God is reaching out to everyone. Problem solved. Wait, what...? From wikipedia:
On 18 January 2007, FUNAI reported that it had confirmed the presence of 67 different uncontacted tribes in Brazil
I guess we can expect them to be christians real soon tho?
There’s so many religions in the world. How can you say yours is right and others are wrong? All paths lead to God.
Answer: It’s not what I say or what anyone else says that is true, but what God says.
So your religion is true because your god says so? Well, i'm convinced.
Religion is the creation of man, but God is not something out of the imagination of man.
Still no evidence, just opinion.
Christianity is different from all religions of the world.
No, not really. The only way to say that is to be inside the bubble of ones own religion. Outside the bubble they all look equally deluded.
All religion seeks to somehow turn man into a god of sorts or reach some perfect state of being by his own doing or works.
Sure, i'll agree to that.
It is the creation of man, as he rejects his God, to fill that void that was created by making himself new gods, or by trying to be his own.
Huh? You've completely lost me now. It is the creation of man to fill that void?
Every religious book has its contradictions and none can tell you the beginning from the end. But the Bible proves itself in that it has 66 books with 40 different authors, all inspired of God and all with the same integrated message system, written over a span of hundreds of years, none contradicting the other, and tells us the beginning from the end accurately.
What the hell does it mean to tell the beginning from the end? If you read the end you understand what the beginning was?
All inspired by god? Opinion. All with the same integrated message system? If you can't tell the difference between the vindictive, jealous and genocidal god of the OT, who liked to torture children and see girls get gang-raped, from the (i'll admit - huge improvement) meek and mild (?) jesus-god of the NT... then i don't know how you're reading your bible.
None contradicting the other?? Surely this is a joke. No? Really? Really-really?
---- "I will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy, but destroy." (JER 13:14) "Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not, but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling."
"The Lord is very pitiful and of tender mercy." (JAS 5:11) ---- ---- Judas died how? "And he cast down the pieces of silver into the temple and departed, and went out and hanged himself." (MAT 27:5)
"And falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all of his bowels gushed out." (ACT 1:18) ---- ---- EXO 15:3 The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name.
ROM 15:33 Now the God of peace be with you all. Amen. ----
I wasn't raised by Christian parents. I went to Sunday school maybe once when I was three or four with a family friend. God played absolutely no role in my childhood, but now I'm a Christian. You don't have to have Christian parents and grow up in a Christian home to be a Christian. There are plenty of people who become Christians even later in life than I did. And I thought evolution hasn't been proved...? Just because there's evidence pointing in one direction does not make that direction true. You know there is evidence for the Bible too? It would be great if Christians and atheists could all get along, but I don't know if that's ever going to happen.
I know there might be no point in posting this, and that some people might think its stupid, bue here's what i think:
I was raised a Catholic, and I am a devout Catholic. But, there have been many times in my life that I have found myself questioning things and trying to find the logic in religious topics or issues. And you know sometimes you really can't - I mean you can't really reason and understand everything.
The thing is that what really gives me so much faith, is having had a true experience from God. What I mean is that there have been hard times, but really and truly having that faith and love for Him give you like actual moments of REAL happiness and peace.
I can't explain it, like surreal moments were you're like "OK, everything's gonna be fine" or moments where you're like "I'm EXACTLY were i should be, regardless of all the problems i have" I mean it's wierd and though Ive only had those moments like 3 times in my life... it's just.. wow.
And that's what I hang on to, those amazing moments where I was just - happy. And I think everybody can feel that, its just that once you have your mind set on the logical things, your mind's closed to truly finding God and even if you way you want to believe or whatever, if your mindset is telling you that it's not reasonable you cant really believe or be touched by a religious experience.
And I thought evolution hasn't been proved...? Just because there's evidence pointing in one direction does not make that direction true.
If you have been told that evolution hasn't been proven, then you have been lied to. Didn't you learn this stuff at school? If you want your teeth fixed, you don't go see a car mechanic. If you want to know about evolution, don't ask you pastor about it.
When ALL the evidence point in the same direction, over and over, and we can make correct predictions based on the evidence, then it's quite probable that it's true, agreed?
You know there is evidence for the Bible too?
No, what evidence is that?
It would be great if Christians and atheists could all get along, but I don't know if that's ever going to happen.
It's happening all the time. My brother is a protestant christian, and so is my sister. My best friend is a catholic. We get along just fine. Atheists are not scaly monsters. We just lack belief in any deity.
Well put, chips-ahoy. I appreciate that. I haven't researched it much recently, but last time I checked, evolution was still a theory. Its true that it hasn't been proven wrong, but it also hasn't been proved right. And yes I did learn about evolution in school. I took grade 11 biology. Just because something is taught in school doesn't make it right either...one of my teachers taught us that we had all been reincarnated from a previous life. I didn't believe that. If you want some evidence, go to http://www.godandscience.org And my best friend is an atheist. The majority of my family are atheists. I was never implying that atheists are "scaly monsters". I was trying to say that this particular issue (God vs. evolution) will just never be put to rest. Not in this life, at least. So here ends my arguing.
haven't researched it much recently, but last time I checked, evolution was still a theory. Its true that it hasn't been proven wrong, but it also hasn't been proved right.
You are missunderstanding the meaning of theory in laymen terms and theory in science.
Saying that evolution might not be real because its still a theory its about the same as saying that germs dont exist because its still a theory (germ theory).
Evolution is a fact and theory. We do know that life changes over time and we call that change evolution. So evolution is a fact. The theory of evolution explains how that change happens: the mechanism that drives this change is natural selection according to theory of evolution.
Same thing with gravity. We know that matter atracts other matter and we call that atraction force gravity. So gravity is a fact, but the General theory of Relativity explains how gravity happens.
Basicly a scientific theory is an explanation for certain facts.
Another thing: the theory of evolution can't be proven. Proof is for mathematics, what we have for the theory of evolution is evidence. The theory of evolution can be disproven however... But so far no one was able to come up with evidence that would disprove evolution.
But even if someone did disprove the theory of evolution, its still a fact that life evolves, so we would still need another theory to explain evolution.
I'm just gonna add I do believe evolution is real. I had a great religion teacher a few years back that explained alot to me.
I mean the bible might say that God created the earth in 7 days but what is a day to God? That is where all the scientific evidence comes in. All those years before humans existed was all a work of God (as well as the dinasours, everything) I also believe that the story of original sin is not literal, but more like a physical and human portrayel of original sin. It helps us understand what original sin is and how we as humans inherited it.
And I know people will think, "Oh so why is it that you can choose to interpret the Bible whichever way you want?" and all that. But oh well, that's what I believe.
Well... seems like it's gonna be another thread talking about Christianity vs. world religions or something.
I dare not say anything to judge Christians are MOSTLY hypocritical because your directory probably does not include all the Christians in the world. And we cannot judge how people, not only Christians, blame others unless we see what they see from their eyes. Christians are always the victim that people recognized as saints like if they are found guilty, Christianity must not be trustworthy. Quoting the concept from the Bible that we are all sinners, even Christians because they're still human and we commit mistakes or... like what some people says they are hypocrites, but by grace and through faith that people who accept Jesus as their Saviour they would be forgiven. We also have the power of prayer that through praying to God we could confess and repent our sin.
Atheist? I respect this thought just as people will choose other religions as a way of life. But I would say there should be nothing called Atheist. Viewing the whole atheist thing as the denial of the existence of God, or gods of any religion. First of all one has to recognize or believe that there is a God (or gods) in this world so they take the denial action to refuse the power of God or the way of live that He desires. Atheist trusts science? I just think atheist trust themselves. That's fine because we can still look up terms like 'ego', 'self oriented' in the dictionary, but what all these 'self' theory leads to?
Evolution, some of the people has mentioned how Christianity view this. I would add that evolution is not just a simple process that first brought about by itself. Through God's creation? Like the Bible says (because Im talking about Christian God's anything), in 2 Peter, that "With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day." So how can we understand the mystery of such creation by only reading a few lines?
I think the Bible does not deny anything but the devil's scheme, but when we read the Bible clearly, you will see what makes sense and what does not. And for those who said the end doesn't match the beginning or else from whatever.com, please don't bother reading it and do go to find and talk to a pastor. For those who just read for finding fallacy, leave the Bible alone. Not because Christianity cannot stand challenges, but you will not find what you already perceived.
I am not perfect, but I just want to share what my experience tells. Have mercy on me.
Sigh. I usually refrain from discussions like this because 95% of the time, they lead to nowhere. But, considering that I have absolutely nothing to do right now, I guess there's no harm in it.
"First of all one has to recognize or believe that there is a God (or gods) in this world so they take the denial action to refuse the power of God or the way of live that He desires."
You know... I went to a Christian school for 12 years, and regularly attended church until I was 17 or so. The high school wasn't just simple Sunday-school lessons forced into academic curriculum either; we learned all kinds of things about different philosophies in the religion and so on. The point is, I was a Christian until I was about 16, and I had plenty of experience and thought behind my beliefs. I basically denied the concept of faith, since the way modern Christians interpret that word now is FAR different from what it actually was in the Bible. Alright, now that that's been said... To my response.
"And we cannot judge how people, not only Christians, blame others unless we see what they see from their eyes."
Nonsense. We can't judge that extreme racism is wrong or incorrect unless we first put ourselves in the position of an extreme racist?
"First of all one has to recognize or believe that there is a God (or gods) in this world so they take the denial action to refuse the power of God or the way of live that He desires."
I've heard this horribly presumptuous load of BS for years now. You're claiming that in order to be an Atheist, one has to "deny" a god that you assume to exist. However, if you think about this for more than 0 seconds you can understand that Atheism is actually just the denial of the ASSUMPTION that a god exists, because there is literally no sufficient evidence for one philosophically, physically, or otherwise.
"Atheist trusts science? I just think atheist trust themselves."
Remember that whole bit you were saying about not judging people? Yeah, might want to look at yourself here. Just because you might not understand how purely practical science is doesn't mean that you can write off its proponents as selfish.
"...but when we read the Bible clearly, you will see what makes sense and what does not."
Exactly. Only problem is it's impossible to read the Bible clearly, because literally every person will have their different interpretations of the text. Not to mention the fact that reading the Bible with a blatantly uncritical eye is just surrendering to the blind assertion that it is true, that EVERY author of EVERY book was divinely inspired, and that the methods of putting the Bible together were TOTALLY divinely inspired, even though no such statement was ever made. People might say, "Well, God wouldn't let anything like that happen!" Right. Your indescribable, incomprehensible god becomes conveniently understandable when some specific question is raised about him, and he just "won't let" something bad happen, because he certainly hasn't ever before.
"Not because Christianity cannot stand challenges, but you will find what you already perceived."
Just like you only find that it's the true and total word-of-god, because you think it is.