MovieChat Forums > Letters to God (2010) Discussion > Christians, do you want to see a truly i...

Christians, do you want to see a truly inspiring Christian movie?

Watch this:

That movie was made by a Christian and I think anyone, Christian or not, should see it.

And though I can fight, I'd much rather recite...That's entertainment!


I was in awe after viewing this film. This little boy puts a lot of us to shame when it comes to our view and dependence on God. His concern and caring attitude for others even though he was being put through trials of his own made me stop and count my many blessings. This is a movie that if you as a Christian have not seen,I highly recommend this positive influential film.



Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley


Great recommendation. It should be mandatory viewing amongst the church going crowd.


Ooh, I have been wanting to see that movie. It's good, then?

I'm always an advocate for Saved! as well. Just see it. It's brilliant.
