MovieChat Forums > Letters to God (2010) Discussion > What do the parents tell the kid when go...

What do the parents tell the kid when god doesn't write back?

Don't know if this has been asked before or not but just curious. What do you think they would make up? Or did they write replies themselves?


I'll let Jack Handy handle this:

“If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."”



Haha, Jack Handy! From the good days of SNL.


I don't think that it is expected that there will be reply to the letter, anymore than one expects an audible reply from God when you pray. The letter are just that...prayers written on paper.

reply he asking god why he gave him cancer? He must have been ticked off when he didn't get a reply.


Haha wouldn't writing the repies themselves be sacrilegious?


Maybe not if they came as a form letter.

"Dear (insert name here):

Thank you for your request and/or concern. We value your input and look forward to hearing your opinion in future communications!


Heaven, Inc."



I was born with a deadly disease, and I agree with the notion that God writes back on my heart. He answers through the support of family and friends, by filling me with love during praise and prayer, by giving me moments of laughter, and by opening up my understanding that my illness is a blessing.

At a young age I learned to treasure laughter, to be thankful for a meal, to be grateful for the hours or days spent away from the hospital. While people my age took each day without pain or tears for granted, I learned to treasure them.

I am a more patient, empathetic, sympathetic and enduring individual because I was and I am sick. You can ask another to love you but them just saying it really isn't much of an answer is it?

When people love you they show it over time. They share their hopes, dreams, disappointments, challenges, and laughter with you. You know they love you when you become the center of their attention. Well a prayer to God is the same way. People usually learn His love for them over time; like a true friendship.

My parents told me that some answers are easy to give in a few minutes, while others can take much more time to receive. No matter how much we fuss; people will give us their answers the way they communicate; not the way we do.

Love is a process; not a demand. A relationship with God is a process; not a demand. That is how their letter is answered.


^^^^^^^^^ Beautifully said.


Amen. May God continue to heal you in His loving healing and mercy. God is glorified in our infirmities. We will one day be transformed into Spiritual bodies, that are uncorrupted running through fields of beautiful flowers in Heaven. God has promised.

Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley


There is no God and you know it. Why would God inflict such horrific diseases and ailments on people, particularly babies and children whilst some murderers and rapists etc. live long, full lives? I direct you to Epicurus:

'Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?'



Amen. It is the result of sin.

Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley


How would you know?
"Why would God inflict such horrific diseases and ailments on people, particularly babies and children whilst some murderers and rapists etc. live long, full lives?"
Not God, people choose.

Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley


"Why would God inflict such horrific diseases and ailments on people, particularly babies and children whilst some murderers and rapists etc. live long, full lives?"
Not God, people choose."

How and why would people (including children and babies) choose such horrific diseases and ailments for themselves or others? Please, make some sense.


I read it too quickly. I was referring to the part of murders, rapists.
To repeat as jjj-j-2746 replied-"Except God does not inflict disease."
Amen. It is the result of sin.

Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley


The 'result of sin?' - well according to your religion, who is able to forgive sin - God? Who is responsible for absolutely everything - God? Therefore, 'sin' is a creation of God. Moreover, how can a baby born with a disease or a child for that matter, have committed so grievous a sin as to warrant their affliction? Either your God extends the human understanding of evil or he doesn't exist - I'm betting on the latter! You people who claim all of this is the result of sin ought to be ashamed of yourselves and take a severe reassessment of your morals!


Fallen, cursed world due to sin. The world was fine until the choice by pride. Paradise lost, will be paradise restored. Hallelujah!

Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley


Yes, completely dodge the charge and blurt out an utterly nonsensical statement - 'paradise restored' will be the consignment of you and your cults (or 'religions' as you call them) to the dust heap of history!


Yes, it is called a promise. A promise we can believe in in faith. Cult-LOL! You have no information, no experience, no idea. Just rhetoric. Oh yea, the Christian faith "the dust heap of history." Still going for 2,000 + years! Simply amazing. From one man, to around the world, Billions. Utterly amazing! Has saved so many, so many lives, clothed fed, medicine, doctors, dentists, homes. YES! And still going strong. Love is soo wrong isn't it?

Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley


Yes, going for 2000 years and completely unrecognisable from its original form. Just because something has lasted for millennia doesn't mean it's either right or good - cholera, war, tuberculosis etc. - all pre-exist Christianity by millions of years. Also, I wonder just how many Christians are genuine in their 'faith'. Tell me, where is the absolution of this promise you can 'believe in faith'? How can you be sure you aren't wasting your life based on the ramblings on a random desert cleric. The irony is that all of your answers are worn rhetoric. Christianity has condemned, stripped, whipped, poisoned and maimed since its nascency and these completely overshadow all the 'good' its allegedly performed. Stop brainwashing your children from the cradle and get them to think about the world from a multitude of perspectives!


God never changes. Humans don't either. What is it's "recognizable form?" How can you recognize faith? Spirit? It doesn't matter how many are genuine. God knows. Why not take a chance? What have you got to loose? So has Atheism, Buddhism, Suffism, Secularism, JW's, Mormonism, Hinduism, Muslimism, Wiccanism,Government which primarily responsible then all other false religions and any other ism. I will never stop sinner! This world is over! Paradise lost will be....Paradise restored!!!!

Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley



No faith is not beyond my comprehension.

Delusional belief in dogma is not exclusive to religion.


You can't logically "praise" God when something good happens, but then say it's not his fault when something bad happens. Either leave him out of it altogether or praise/blame him for everything. To me it is obvious there is no "God" as Christians believe there to be, but everyone has their own opinion. I think the world will be better off when religion fades away (not that it ever will totally but hopefully over time it will recede) ... fewer wars and less things to argue about would be the first positive. Also all the money going to church's and hoarded by the church could be used for charities and go directly to people. Plus molesters would be prosecuted by law instead of hidden away. Hmmmm ... what would be the negatives of no more organized religion?


You Praise God when something good happens and you praise god when something bad happens because you know it could be worse...

Where did you get the idea that the world would be more peaceful without religion???

Churches are charities, they provide more help to the needy then non believers...

Thats the churches fault when they hire anyone to be a priest..

What would be the negative of no constitution????

Finally to the real question.. God always answers like in this movie he answered through a mailman, parents don't need to make anything up all they need to do is encourage the child to not give up...
