Yes I urge all you non-believers to see this with an
open mind. God loves you.
Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley
open mind. God loves you.
Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley
Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley
Sure, i'll do that when you read "God is not great" by Christopher Hitchens, and "The god delusion" by Richard Dawkins, with an open mind.
Since they're rather late on the scene with assorted fables and myths, I will challenge you to read "Resurrection" by Hanegraaff based on thousands of years of evidence.
Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley
All right. I actually checked out "Ressurection" on amazon, reading the first few pages. Swoon theories and twin theories really mean nothing at all unless you can give empirical evidence that Jesus of the bible was real.
Let's say you do that. Let's say you convince me that Jesus of the bible was an actual living person.
Then comes the next problem. You have to give empirical evidence that Jesus of the bible was the son of god.
Now you have to give empirical evidence that god exists.
And that, good sir, you can never ever do.
And what is this tripe about "late on the scene"? Reason and clear thinking is "assorted fables and myths" in your world? Let's talk about some assorted fables and myths then. Let's see what your bible could have looked like had some gospels not been buried for a much longer time than others. I take it you know enough of the bible to know that the gospels and books were cherry-picked and canonized rather late?
"Full dogmatic articulations of the canons were not made until the Council of Trent of 1546 for Roman Catholicism, the Thirty-Nine Articles of 1563 for the Church of England, the Westminster Confession of Faith of 1647 for British Calvinism, and the Synod of Jerusalem of 1672 for the Greek Orthodox"
- Wikipedia
"Sixty years ago, at Nag Hammadi in Egypt, a trove of neglected
"Gospels" was discovered near a very ancient Coptic Christian site. These
scrolls were of the same period and provenance as many of the subsequently
canonical and "authorized" Gospels, and have long gone under
the collective name of "Gnostic." This was the title given them by a certain
Irenaeus, an early church father who placed them under a ban as
They include the "Gospels" or narratives of marginal but significant
figures in the accepted "New" Testament, such as "Doubting
Thomas" and Mary Magdalene. They now also include the Gospel of
Judas, known for centuries to have existed but now brought to light and
published by the National Geographic Society in the spring of 2006.
The book is chiefly spiritualist drivel, as one might expect, but it
offers a version of "events" that is fractionally more credible than the
official account. For one thing, it maintains as do its partner texts that
the supposed god of the "Old" Testament is the one to be avoided, a
ghastly emanation from sick minds. (This makes it easy to see why it
was so firmly banned and denounced: orthodox Christianity is nothing
if it is not a vindication and completion of that evil story.)
Judas attends the final Passover meal, as usual, but departs from the
customary script. When Jesus appears to pity his other disciples for
knowing so little about what is at stake, his rogue follower boldly says
that he believes he knows what the difficulty is. "I know who you are
and where you have come from," he tells the leader. "You are from the
immortal realm of Barbelo."
This "Barbelo" is not a god but a heavenly
destination, a motherland beyond the stars. Jesus comes from this
celestial realm, but is not the son of any Mosaic god. Instead, he is an
avatar of Seth, the third and little-known son of Adam. He is the one
who will show the Sethians the way home. Recognizing that Judas
is at least a minor adept of this cult, Jesus takes him to one side and
awards him the special mission of helping him shed his fleshly form
and thus return heavenward. He also promises to show him the stars
that will enable Judas to follow on.
Deranged science fiction though this is, it makes infinitely more
sense than the everlasting curse placed on Judas for doing what somebody
had to do, in this otherwise pedantically arranged chronicle of
a death foretold. It also makes infinitely more sense than blaming the
Jews for all eternity.
For a long time, there was incandescent debate
over which of the "Gospels" should be regarded as divinely inspired,
Some argued for these and some for others, and many a life was horribly
lost on the proposition. Nobody dared say that they were all
man-inscribed long after the supposed drama was over, and the "Revelation"
of Saint John seems to have squeezed into the canon because
of its author's (rather ordinary) name.
But as Jorge Luis Borges put it, had the Alexandrian Gnostics won the day, some later Dante would have drawn us a hypnotically beautiful word-picture of the wonders of "Barbelo." This concept I might choose to call "the Borges shale":
the verve and imagination needed to visualize a cross section of evolutionary
branches and bushes, with the extraordinary but real possibility
that a different stem or line (or tune or poem) had predominated
in the labyrinth. Great ceilings and steeples and hymns, he might have
added, would have consecrated it, and skilled torturers would have
worked for days on those who doubted the truth of Barbelo: beginning
with the fingernails and working their way ingeniously toward
the testicles, the vagina, the eyes, and the viscera. Nonbelief in Barbelo
would, correspondingly, have been an unfailing sign that one had
no morals at all."
- Christopher Hitchens
I can see part of your confusion. A lack of information. The information you have shown is one-sided and is very late. Good ol story teller Hitch. You must read and study at least the whole of something. If you just cherry pick or sample you can not get the whole information. No university will give you accreditation for reading two pages from a text book. You know that. Hitch wouldn't have received a degree without completing required courses of study.
Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley
It is very funny to me that someone who claims evolution is not real is telling me that i lack information.
Would you please comment on the points i made, or even better, relieve me of my "confusion"?
And in what way is Hitchens a "story teller"? Are you saying he is lying in the quoute i made?
Loving your argument that the earlier something was written the more credible/reasonable/truthful it is!
a) there are religious texts that are far older than the bible. If your argument had any merit then gods like Ra would have a much stronger claim on being true than the Christian god.
b) calling modern books "late" is rich when god waited billions of years to reveal his word to humans (Please don't tell me that the earth is only a few thousand years old. Even then it would be bizarrely neglectful.) The fact is that ALL human philosophies, including yours, are extremely recent in geological terms, just as we are.
c) it is clear to any reasonable person that our knowledge of the world has increased as time has gone by. Both in science and in moral/philosophical terms. Compare things like women's rights, views on slavery etc. to 2,000 years ago and see how far we've come.
And what I keep loving is you keep missing the point. Your mind is closed. Until your able to look at both sides, you will not see. Not about age, it's about a plethora of evidence, still mounting yearly. So long.
Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley
Well, that was not an answer of any sort. The side I referenced in my post was yours not mine, so I fail to see how my fault is not looking at both sides. In fact I seem to know more about portions of your side than you do, unless I am mistaken. Was I wrong about free-will and eden? My knowledge comes from reading the bible and what Christians have told me of original sin. What is the point I missed?
Regarding age, it was you who used the argument that modern writers are 'late' and therefore not credible. Have you changed you mind?
Regarding evidence, I'd love to see it, genuinely. Maybe you could point me in the right direction.
I too would love to see Bruce present some evidence, but i wouldn't hold my breath.
Yea, no one was there.
Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley
If God loves everyone and is all powerful, then why did the Holocaust happen?
I like movies
Ah, so the victims of the Holocaust chose their fate, even though memoirs written by survivors and the survivors themselves stated that it was against their will? To say that people who don't believe in your God have depraved hearts is closed-minded, and I won't be spoken to in such a way. To spread your 'message' and your 'truth' (two of the most extensively annoying cliches in history) you have to present them with an open mind as well. Don't distort your own point to get a shot at striking fear into our lonely, terrible, misery-stricken hearts.
The Quran states that believers in Christ as the son of God will suffer eternity in Hell. How can you be so self-righteous if another religion - just as credible as yours - condemns you?
"You can stick this in your alphabet soup!"
Your twisting. Do you really think the incarcerated, not the Nationalist Socialists, choose their fate? C'mon!
Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley
Apologies, I read your post incorrectly. Regardless, I still don't see how God can choose my fate, but not the Nazis'.
"You can stick this in your alphabet soup!"
God does not choose your fate. You do.
Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley
Oh? And what about gay people? Do they choose their fate? And women who die during pregnancy?
What about the case in which a man was falsely accused of murder, and recieved the lethal injection? I fail to grasp the logic behind your case.
"You can stick this in your alphabet soup!"
"Oh? And what about gay people? Do they choose their fate?"
Yes. Homosexuality is a behavioral choice. It is not biological. Can't reproduce.
Men and women, Heterosexuals, in prison, do homosexual acts. Are they homosexual in that environment?
"And women who die during pregnancy?"
Do you know what the Second Law of Thermodynamics, Entropy is?
"What about the case in which a man was falsely accused of murder, and recieved the lethal injection? I fail to grasp the logic behind your case."
CHOICE. A imperfect world, fallen, sinful.
Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley
I fail to grasp the logic behind your case.
Are you asking me to give an explanation of the universe's existence? If so, you would do better to ask an astrophysics professor.
"You can stick this in your alphabet soup!"
No, I'm not. I'm just saying that people generally know less than they think they do (me included, obviously).
Kill the trolls!!!
Sorry if I was condescending or patronizing, and you're absolutely correct. Isn't it useful to try and pursue knowledge, rather than dismiss it with the likes of religion or faith?
"You can stick this in your alphabet soup!"
Well I like to be diplomatic, so that's fine. These religious flame wars often tire me, every single religion-related board on IMDb is a battleground, and they all have the exact same arguments with annoying people on both sides. Some civility is a nice thing to come by.
But anyway, I don't think religion or faith necessarily dismisses knowledge any more than science does, it just depends on what your eyes are open to.
Kill the trolls!!!
I really doubt that people expect some angsty teenager with a bad case of acne to give them an epiphany on an IMDB board, so why be forceful?
I think that faith and religion present me with considerably less evidence (such an annoyingly recurring word in the atheist vocabulary) than science does. That's why I follow a scientific line of thinking, science is at least dedicated to advancing our understanding of the universe and our origins.
"You can stick this in your alphabet soup!"
I really doubt that people expect some angsty teenager with a bad case of acne to give them an epiphany on an IMDB board, so why be forceful?
No one takes IMDb debates seriously. Except for the fanatic Christians and atheists. And they're fun to annoy. Seriously though, the movie was horrible.
I like movies
I don't understand why a heterosexual person would perform a homosexual act by choice. Even less so, why they would be judged - and condemned - for that.
Also, prison rape is more of a display of dominance than homosexuality. In the cases where it is a sexual act, it's merely because of deprivation. Homosexuality can't be explained away with the psychology of an inmate.
Only faintly (I'm no physicist), but I fail to see the relevance between my example and thermodynamics.
The man in that instance wasn't given a choice of whether or not he were to be killed. It was only after the incident he was found innocent. For me to accept that God exists, I'd have to accept the argument that he watches unjust death or suffering with indifference or, worse yet, pleasure.
"You can stick this in your alphabet soup!"
Spiden, settle down. What he's saying is that there is evil in this world because mankind sins. I sure as hell don't know why everything happens, but I never claimed to be God now did I?
Kill the trolls!!!
I didn't realize I was upset.
And to say that we're all to blame because of the faults that God created a select few people with is a bit of a paradox, isn't it?
"You can stick this in your alphabet soup!"
I didn't realize I was upset.
And to say that we're all to blame because of the faults that God created a select few people with is a bit of a paradox, isn't it?
Wow, there's no use talking to someone like you. All you want to do is kill gays, non-Christians, and people who disrespect their parents...even if their parents raped them. Homosexuality is as much of a choice as it is a choice to have black hair.
Peace my brother,
Even if you know nothing of it,
The Apple Man
I like movies
If viewed with an open mind and a hopeful heart, this movie will make you think and will move you to tears.
If viewed with hatred in your heart, you'll lash out in ignorance and fear.
True. If one who chooses to not have peace chooses to view, they will reap unhappiness.
Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley
Speaking of Openmindedness in this thread, watch this video about openmindedness:
shareHis view of open mindedness is not against the idea of God just a prejudicial argument for or against anything. The God example is just an obvious example of the argument.
shareAnd want to take as many unhappy people as they can with them.