MovieChat Forums > Letters to God (2010) Discussion > Proof that God exists is by continuing ...

Proof that God exists is by continuing posts-Atheists

and those who are lost. May you find God if you will search.

Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious,and don't call me Shirley


Can't find something that doesn't exist.


You replied...?

Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious,and don't call me Shirley


I felt like expressing my opinion.

All hail the noodly god in the sky.


Opinions will also get you a million $s. Not!

Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious,and don't call me Shirley


Trying to get atheists to believe something will give YOU a million $$. NOT!


Atheist logic----NOT! There isn't a god. If there isn't a god, why sweat it? Logic.

Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious,and don't call me Shirley




U short?

Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious,and don't call me Shirley


Yeah, I'm 5'4.


How about you search for me, and give me a call when you find empirical evidence? You want me to see something, you do the legwork. Fair enough?


Here you go, 'Resurrection' by Hanegraaff, 'Case for a Creator, Faith Christ' by Strobel,, answersingenesis. I'll be waiting.

Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious,and don't call me Shirley



"While absolute proof of the existence of God cannot be realized by any human being, the great weight of evidence, when rationally evaluated, clearly balances the scales heavily in favor of God."

No proof at all and the evalution of evidence only leans toward God. There's a whole lot of doubt in that statement, and that's from a group fully on the God side. When I ask for empirical (which means observable, measurable, testable, repeatable) evidence don't come to me with flawed semantics where one group redefines "evidence" to meet their needs. Or claims that their scientists are more scientific than most. Here's more:

"Yet even more amazing (and the universe is amazing) is the historic fact that the Creator-God, after purposefully creating the time-space-matter universe, chose to enter it in the God-human person of Jesus Christ"

"Amazing" is a nonsense word and they use it twice. That Jesus was a human person is arguably true but nothing else in that statement can be proved. All they did was cram a lot of speculation between claim and history and expect people to be okay with that. Believing in God is acceptable - believing in ICR's form of linguistic treachery takes a special kind of fool.

I'm not trying to disprove God. That is impossible. All I know is what I see, and what I see is an infinite number of God theories and no evidence for any of them.


Actually read the Historians who wrote Of Jesus and His time on Earth. Remember, you have to have Faith to know God.

Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious,and don't call me Shirley


"Remember, you have to have Faith to know God."

Show me where I said I had no faith. I don't know how or when the universe was created, and neither do you or your sources, based on available evidence. The only difference between me and you is you've chosen to subscribe to one theory while rejecting all of the others. That is not faith - that is ignorance.


I never said you did not. Check back. So by your logic, you are supposed to believe all theories? I really am not concerned when the universe was created. I just know, by God's Holy, written, infallible Word, in the Bible, that He did.
Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious,and don't call me Shirley


"So by your logic, you are supposed to believe all theories?"

No, by my logic I am to believe provable theories and consider the rest as yet unproven. To do otherwise would be to pick a team simply to be on a team.


How can you prove the beginning? That's why one uses logic, reason, science, geography, history and biology and more.

Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious,and don't call me Shirley


I never said you did not. Check back. So by your logic, you are supposed to believe all theories? I really am not concerned when the universe was created. I just know, by God's Holy, written, infallible Word, in the Bible, that He did.
Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious,and don't call me Shirley
