condemn non-believers to hell and call it love? Stop the gays the moment they get any civil rights? believe they have the right to hate and attack people (to burn in the lake of fire) but act like victims when people call them on it?
First of all, most of the traits you have listed here do not belong to REAL Christians, but only to people who will identify as Christians if asked, but that's about where it ends for them. Most of them probably haven't even READ the Bible.
I'm a REAL Christian, so from here on I'll say "we" referring to REAL Christians.
WE'RE not condemning anyone to hell, all we're doing is warning people. Take it or leave it, really up to you. Anyone who adds much intensity to that is just trying to make themselves feel better that they're going to Heaven, and everyone else will perish. They're not trying to inform, only to gloat.
I'm not against gays getting civil rights (I assume you're talking about marriage right?). In the eyes of God, a marriage is between a man and a woman, but that's only one facet of the problem. There's not much we can do about THAT. The other side of the problem is how they're seen in the eyes of Uncle Sam. I don't care if the government sees them as one union, just don't call it a marriage under God.
A perfect Christian doesn't hate or attack anybody. Nobody is perfect, so there is always some hate going around. A REAL Christian will be kind and courteous to anybody, regardless of whether or not they are with them or against them.
THE biggest problem with Christianity is mis-representation. It's sad but MOST people who identify as Christians out there probably aren't going to Heaven.
"I'm not against gays getting civil rights (I assume you're talking about marriage right?). In the eyes of God, a marriage is between a man and a woman, but that's only one facet of the problem. There's not much we can do about THAT. The other side of the problem is how they're seen in the eyes of Uncle Sam. I don't care if the government sees them as one union, just don't call it a marriage under God."
In NZ, it is called the Civil Union Bill. It allows for a couple, whether they be heterosexual, gay or lesbian the right to enter into a consenting legally binding agreement, in the same way that a heterosexual couple does when they marry. The Marriage Act is left untouched and intact, and only a consenting heterosexual couple may marry. Of course, there was quite a bit of debate, even demonstrations in the streets of a main city, where both opposing factions managed to make real idiots of themselves and the rest of us looked on and yawned. However, a compromise was reached and as far as I can tell, it is all working very well.
I am a proud Christian, and I would NEVER condemn non-believers, judge gays, hate, or attack.
In fact it is very non-Christian to judge others.
Christians are human, therefore they are flawed (including myself) and make mistakes. If a Christian makes a mistake by judging you, simply tell them that it is your understanding that true Christians do not judge, and if they in fact are interested in helping you, they should lead by example, not by condemning.
BTW... Only God knows who is going to Heaven or Hell, certainly no one on earth can tell you. Christians WORSHIP God, we ARE NOT God.
They have no independent thought. They can't think, so they live by the rules of an old book.
If they do something good, it's not because they are good people. It's because they are forced to, since according to their belief, the alternative is that they will go to hell.
Clearly, if there was any truth to their fairytale, they would all be going to hell anyway, since unless they were extremists, they are not really following their religion properly anyway.
Just ignore them. They are not rational beings, and not worth trying to reason with.