Oh dear. I can't stand a majority of Christian "cinema", and I'm a Christian. The theory seems to be that as long as the story's inspirational, everyone will lap it up. Production quality can go take a jump! It's this mentality that results in movies like this, though this one's far from the worst I've seen, trust me. Still, it has all the cinematic quality of a B-grade Hallmark mini series. So much cheese. Let's put songs by all our favourite inspirational artists in every emotional part of the movie, that will "move" the audience. Argh! Don't even get me started on the amount of cheese in the script, so contrived. Double argh! But what would I know... inspiring true story + bland CCM songs + everyone either crying, over-smiling or saying something inspiring = masterpiece, apparently. Sorry guys, but you can't keep spending next to nothing and expecting mainstream audiences to be drawn in with so much quality competition around. If the story's important, why do it injustice and treat it like a daytime soap? Maybe I shouldn't get so frustrated, I don't know.